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Страница: 673 из 676

Harold Macmillan, War Diaries: the Mediterranean 1943—1945, London, Macrnillan, 1984.

James Marchant ed., Winston Spencer Churchill Servant of Crown and Commonwealth, London, Cassell, 1954.

Arthur Marder ed., Fear Cod and Dread Nought: the Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone, London, Cape (в трех томах), 1952—1959.

Edward Marsh, A Number of People, London, Heinemann, 1939.

John Martin, Downing Street: the War Years, London, Bloomsbury, 1991.

Norman McGowan, My Years with Churchill, London, Souvenir Press. 1958.

Phyllis Moir, I Was Winston Churchill's Private Secretary, New York, Wilfred Funk, 1941; пер. на фр.: Churchill, cet inconnu, Paris, societe francaise d'editions litteraires et techniques, 1948.

Bernard L. Montgomery, The Memoirs of Field Marshal the Viscount Montgomery, London, Collins, 1958.

Edmund Murray, I Was Churchill's Bodyguard, London, W.H. Allen, 1987.

Elizabeth Nel, Mr. Churchill's Secretary, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1958.

Herbert George Nicholas ed., Washington Despatches 1941—1945, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 1981.

Harold Nicolson, Diaries and Letters 1930—1962, London, Collins (в трех томах), 1966—1968.

Gerald Pawle, The War and Colonel Warden, London, Harrap, 1963; пер. на фр.: Le Vieux Lion au microscope, Paris, Presses de la Cite, 1963.

Graham Payn et Sheridan Morley ed., The Noel Coward Diaries, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1983.

Ben Pimlott ed., The Political Diary of Hugh Dalton 1918—1940, London, Cape, 1986.

Ben Pimlott ed., The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton 1940—1945, London, Cape, 1986.

Mark Pottle ed., Champion Redoubtable: the Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter 1914—1945, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998.

John Ramsden ed., Real Old Tory Politics: the Political Diaries of Sir Robert Sanders, Lord Bayford, 1910—1935, London, Historian's Press, 1984.

B. Ranft ed., The Beatty Papers: Selections from the Private and Official Papers of Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty, 1902 —1927, London, Scolar Press (в двух томах), 1989—1993.

The Riddell Diaries 1908—1923, ed. J.M. McEwen, London, Athlone Press, 1986.

Lord Riddell's War Diary 1914—1918, London, Ivor Nicholson and Watson, 1933.

Lord Riddell's Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference and after 1918—1923, London, Gollancz, 1933.

Lord Riddell, More Pages from my Diary 1908—1914, London, Country Life, 1934.

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