ГЕНИЙ, БЬЮЩИЙ ЧЕРЕЗ КРАЙ Жизнь Николы Теслы   ::   ОНил Джон Дж.

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Tesla's latest Roentgen ray investigations, Electrical Review New York, (April 22nd, 1896).

23. Roentgen rays or streams, Electrical Review, New York, (Aug. 12th, 1896).

24. Mr. Tesla on thermo-electricity, Electrical Engineer, New York, (Dec. 23rd, 1896).

25. Tesla on the hurtful actions of Lenard and Roentgen tubes, Electrical Review, New York, (May 5th, 1897).

26. On the source of Roentgen rays and the practical construction and safe operation of Lenard tubes: - Electrical Review, New York, (Aug. 11th, 1897); Electrical Engineer, New York, (Aug. 19th, 1897).

27. Tesla on Electricity, Electrical Review, New York, (Dec. 27th, 1897).

28. Tesla's latest advance in vaccum tube lighting: - Electrical Review, New York, (Jan. 5th, 1898).

29. Electricity to tame wild beasts: (Tesla on animal training by electricity), New York Journal amp; Advertiser, New York, (Feb. 6th, 1898).

30. Tesla perfecting a war engine, St. Louis Republician, St. Louis, (May 1st, 1898).

31. High frequency osci llators for electro -therapeutic and other purposes (Lecture before Amer. Electrotherapeutic Society, Buffalo, (Sep. 14th, 1898), Medical Record, New York, (Sep. 24th, 1898); Electrical Engineer, New York, vol. 26, (Nov. 17th, 1898) My new submarine destroyer, New York Journal, New York, (Sep. 13th, 1898).

32. Tesla on current interrupters, Electrical Review, New York, (March 15th, 1899).

33. The problem of increasing human energy (with special reference to the harnessing: of the sun's energy), The Century Magazine, New York, (June 1900), p. 175.

34. Tesla thinks wind power should be used more now, Philadelphia North American, Philadelphia, (May 18th, 1902).

35. The transmission of electric energy with ou wires, Electrical World and Engineer, New York, (March 5th, 1904).

36. Electric autos - the future in motive power, Manufacturer's Record, New York, (Dec. 29th, 1904).

37. The transmission of electrical energy without wires as a means for furthering peace, Electrical World and Engineer, New York, (Jan. 7th, 1905).

38. Subway dangers, The New York Sun, New York, (June 16th, 1905).

39. Flying machine in exploration, The Journal, Columbus, (July 16th, 1905).

40. Tesla on the Peary North Pole expedition, The New York Sun, New York, (July 22nd, 1905).

41. Signaling to Mars: A problem of electrical engineering, Harvard Illustrated Magazine, Cambridge. Mass., (March 1907).

42. Sleep from electricity, New York Times, New York (Oct. 17th, 1907).


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