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Современный анализ, подтверждающий необходимость возвращения Америки к изоляционистской политике см. в книге Eric A. Nordlinger, «Isolationism Reconfigured: American Foreign Policy for a New Century» (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995); and Eugene Gholz, Daryl G. Press, and Harvey M. Sapolsky, «Come Home, America: The Strategy of Restraint in the Face of Temptation», International Security, vol. 21, no. 4 (Spring 1997), p. 5—48.


1. «The Sources of Soviet Conduct», Foreign Affairs, vol. 25, no. 4 (July 1947), p. 566—582.

2. «Moscow Embassy Telegram #511», February 22,1946, in Containment: Documents on American Policy and Strategy, 1945—1950, ed. Thomas H. Etzold and John Lewis Gaddis (New York: Columbia University Press, 1978), p. 55—63.

3. «United States Objectives and Programs for National Security», NSC-68, April 14,1950, ibid., p. 427.

4. Paper prepared by Mr. John Foster Dulles, Consultant to the Secretary of State, «Estimate of Situation», November 30, 1950, in Foreign Relations of the United States, 1950, vol. 6 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1950), p. 162.

5. «Final Report of the Joint MDAP Survey Mission to Southeast Asia», December 6, 1950, ibid., p., 166.

6. Dulles, «Estimate of Situation», p. 162.

7. Francis Fukuyama, «The End of History?» National Interest, no. 16 (Summer 1989), p. 3—18; Francis Fukuyama, «The End of History and the Last Man» (New York: Free Press, 1992).

8. John J. Mearsheimer, «Back to the Future: Instability in Europe After the Cold War», International Security, vol. 15, no. 1 (Summer 1990), p. 5—56; John J. Mearsheimer, «Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War», Atlantic Monthly, vol. 266, no. 2 (August 1990), p. 35—50.

9. Samuel P. Huntington, «The Clash of Civilizations?» Foreign Affairs, vol. 72, no. 3 (Summer 1993); Samuel P. Huntington, «The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order» (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996).

10. Matthew Connelly and Paul Kennedy, «Must It Be the Rest Against the West?» Atlantic Monthly, vol. 274, no. 6 (December 1994), p. 61 —83. Кеннеди также высказал свой взгляд на складывающуюся международную систему в книге «Preparing for the Twenty-first Century» (New York: Random House, 1993).

11. Robert D. Kaplan, «The Coming Anarchy», Atlantic Monthly, vol. 273, no. 2 (February 1994), p. 44—76; Robert D. Kaplan, «The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War» (New York: Random House, 2000).

12. Thomas L.

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