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: IMF, 2000), p. 10—11.

26. Stephan Haggard, «The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis» (Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 2000), p. 4, 6.

27. Gerard Baker and Stephen Fidler, «O'Neill Signals Hands-Off Stance on World Economy», Financial Times, February 15, 2001.

28. Закон предусматривает, что инвесторы могут кредитовать не более 50 процентов пакета акций, который они приобретают. В августе 2001 года вступили в действие новые правила фондовых торгов, с более строгими требованиями к кредитным покупкам в целях прекращения спекулятивных биржевых игр.

29. Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan, December 5, 1996, Francis Boyer Lecture of the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. Available at: http:/ /federalreserve gov/boarddocs/speeches/l996/l9961205.htm.

30. Charlie Rose Transcript no. 2713, program of June 27, 2000.

31. См.: Haggard, «The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis», p. 1—13.

32. Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan, «Global Challenges», July 12, 2000, at the Financial Crisis Conference, Council on Foreign Relations, New York. Available at: http://federalreserve gov/boarddocs/speeches/2000/ 20OO0712.htm.

33. Quotes from Steven Pearlstein, «Debating How to Repair Global Financial System», Washington Post, September 24, 2000.

34. Robert Gilpin, «The Challenge of Global Capitalism: The World Economy in the 21st Century» (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000), p. 161.

35. Cm. Paul A. Papayoanou, «Power Ties: Economic Interdependence, Balancing, and War» (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999), p. 63.

36. О СМИ и их роли в разжигании национализма см.: Jack L. Snyder, «From Voting to Violence: Democratization and Nationalist Conflict» (New York: Norton, 2000).

37. Martin Wolf, «The Economic Failure of Islam», Financial Times, September 26, 2001.

38. Thomas Friedman, «Smoking or Non-Smoking?» New York Times, September 14, 2001.

39. Cm. Joseph Yam, «International Capital Flows and Free Markets», remarks made at the Credit Suisse First Boston Asian Investment Conference, March 26,1999. Available at: http://www info gov hk/hkma/eng/speeches/speechs/joseph/speec h260399b .htm .


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