A Caress Of Twilight   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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I felt the tension leave Doyle's body, and he raised his face just enough so that he was no longer speaking into my skin. "Perhaps I couldn't slay you all, but I could kill the princess before you could kill me, and then your lives would mean nothing. The Queen would hurt you much more than I ever could for allowing her heir to be slaughtered."

I could see his face now. Even by moonlight he was relaxed, his eyes distant, not really looking at me anymore. He was too intent on the lesson he was teaching his men, to care about me.

I braced my back against the wall, but he paid no attention to the small movement. I put a hand in the middle of his chest and pushed. It made him stand up straighter, but there really wasn't room for him to go anywhere but on the bed.

"Stop it, all of you," I said, and I made sure my voice rang in the room. I glared up at Doyle. "Get away from me."

He gave a small bow using just his neck for there wasn't room for anything more formal, then he backed up, hands out to his sides to show himself empty-handed to the other guards. He ended between the bed and the wall with no room to maneuver. Rhys was half on his back, gun pointed one-handed as he followed Doyle's movement around the room. Nicca was standing on the far side of the bed, gun held two-handed in a standard shooter's stance. They were still treating Doyle like a threat, and I was tired of it.

"I am tired of these little games, Doyle. Either you trust your men to keep me safe, or you don't. If you don't, then find other men, or make sure you or Frost are always with me. But stop this."

"If I had been one of our enemies, your guards would have slept through your death."

"I was awake," said Rhys, "but truthfully I thought you'd finally come to your senses and were going to do her up against the wall."

Doyle frowned at him. "You would think something that crude."

"If you want her, Doyle, then just say so. Tomorrow night can be your turn. I think we'd all step aside for an evening if you'd break your. . fast." The moonlight softened Rhys's scars like a white gauzy patch where his right eye should have been.

"Put up your guns," I said.

They looked at Doyle for confirmation. I shouted at them. "Put up the guns. I am the princess here, heir to the throne. He's the captain of my guard, and when I tell you to do something, you will, by Goddess, do it."

They still looked at Doyle. He gave the smallest of nods.

"Get out," I said. "All of you, get out."

Doyle shook his head. "I don't think that would be wise, Princess.

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