Bag of Bones   ::   Кинг Стивен

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But I got worried.”

“That they might get tired of the legal process and just snatch her?”

This seemed to me a reasonable concern—so reasonable I could hardly believe Mattie had ever let her little girl go to the old man in the first place. In custody cases, as in the rest of life, possession tends to be nine tenths of the law, and ifmattie was telling the truth about her past and present, a custody hearing was apt to turn into a tiresome production even for the rich Mr. Devore. Snatching might, in the end, look like a more efficient solution. “Not exactly,” she said. “I guess it’s the logical thing, but that wasn’t really it. I just got afraid.

There was nothing I could put my finger on. It would get to be quarter past six in the evening and I’d think, “This time that white-haired bitch isn’t going to bring her back. This time she’s going to…’” I waited. When nothing came I said, “Going to what?”

“I told you, I don’t know,” she said. “But I’ve been afraid for Ki since spring. By the time June came around, I couldn’t stand it anymore, and I put a stop to the visits. Kyra’s been off-and-on pissed at me ever since. I’m pretty sure that’s most of what that Fourth of July escapade was about. She doesn’t talk about her grandfather very much, but she’s always popping out with “What do you think the white nana’s doing now, Mat-tie?’ or “Do you think the white nana would like my new dress?’ Or she’ll run up to me and say “Sing, ring, king, thing,’ and ask for a treat.”

“What was the reaction from Devore?”

“Complete fury. He called again and again, first asking what was wrong, then making threats.”

“Physical threats?”

“Custody threats. He was going to take her away, when he was finished with me I’d stand before the whole world as an unfit mother, I didn’t have a chance, my only hope was to relent and let me see my granddaughter, goddammit.” I nodded.”

“Please don’t shut me out’

doesn’t sound like the guy who called while I was watching the fireworks, but that does.” “I’ve also gotten calls from Dickie Osgood, and a number of other locals,” she said. “Including Lance’s old friend Richie Lattimore.

Richie said I wasn’t being true to Lance’s memory.”

“What about George Footman?”

“He cruises by once in awhile. Lets me know he’s watching. He hasn’t called or stopped in. You asked about physical threats—just seeing Footman’s cruiser on my road feels like a physical threat to me.

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