Bag of Bones   ::   Кинг Стивен

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That’s not the stuff for a newspaper story or a magazinearticle. Normal just snapped. No one knows why. It was a terrible tragedy, senseless, and there’s still people who could be hurt by it. In little towns things are kind of connected under the surface—”

Yes, like cables you couldn’t quite see.

“—and the past dies slower. Sara and those others, that’s a little different. They were just. . just wanderers. . from away. Jo could have stuck to those folks and it would’ve been all right. And say—for all I know, she did. Because I never saw a single word she ever wrote.

If she did write.”

About that he was telling the truth, I felt. But I knew something else, knew it as surely as I’d known Mattie had been wearing white shorts when she called me on her day off. Sara and those others were just wanderers from away, Bill had said, but he hesitated in the middle of his thought, substituting wanderers for the word which had come naturally to mind.

Niggers was the word he hadn’t said. Sara and those others were just niggers Jgom away.

All at once I found myself thinking of an old story by Ray Bradbury, “Mars Is Heaven.” The first space travellers to Mars discover it’s Green Town, Illinois, and all their well-loved friends and relatives are there. Only the friends and relatives are really alien monsters, and in the night, while the space travellers think they are sleeping in the beds of their long-dead kinfolk in a place that must be heaven, they are slaughtered to the last man.

“Bill, you’re sure she was up here a few times in the off-season?”

“Ayuh. “T’wasn’t just a few times, either. Might have been a dozen times or more. Day-trips, don’t you know.”

“Did you ever see a fellow with her? Burly guy, black hair?”

He thought about it. I tried not to hold my breath. At last he shook his head. “Few times I saw her, she was alone. But I didn’t see her every time she came. Sometimes I only heard she’d been on the TR after she ’us gone again. Saw her in June of ’94, headed up toward Halo Bay in that little car a hers. She waved, I waved back. Went down to the house later that evenin to see if she needed anythin, but she’d gone. I didn’t see her again. When she died later on that summer, me and “Vette were so shocked.”

Whatever she was looking sr, she must never have written any of it down.

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