Guilty Pleasures   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

Страница: 38 из 205

“If you want me, you're going to have to come get me.”

He curled his tail through his hands, stroking it. One clawed hand ran through the fur of his belly, and stroked lower. I stared very hard at his face, and he laughed at me.

“Fetch her.”

Two of the dog-size rats moved towards the stairs. A small rat squealed and rolled under their feet. It gave a high, piteous shriek, then nothing. It twitched until the other rats covered it. Tiny bones snapped. Nothing would go to waste.

I pressed against the door, as if I could sink through it. The two rats crept up the steps, sleek well-fed animals. But there was no animal in the eyes. Whatever was there was human, intelligent.

“Wait, wait.”

The rats hesitated.

The ratman said, “Yes?”

I swallowed audibly. “What do you want?”

“Nikolaos asked that we entertain you while you wait.”

“That doesn't answer my question. What do you want me to do? What do you want?”

Lips curled back from yellowed teeth. It looked like a snarl, but I think it was a smile. “Come down to us, human. Touch us, let us touch you. Let us teach you the joys of fur and teeth.” He rubbed claws through the fur of his thighs. It drew my attention to him, between his legs. I looked away, and heat rushed up my skin. I was blushing. Dammit!

My voice came out almost steady. “Is that supposed to be impressive?” I asked.

He froze for an instant, then snarled, “Get her down here!”

Great, Anita, antagonize him. Imply that his equipment is a little undersized.

His hissing laugh ran up my skin in cold waves. “We are going to have fun tonight. I can tell.”

The giant rats came up the steps, muscles working under fur, whiskers thick as wire, wriggling furiously. I pressed my back against the door and began to slide down the wood. “Please, please don't.” My voice sounded high and frightened, and I hated it.

“We've broken you so soon; how very sad,” the ratman said.

The two giant rats were almost on me. I braced my back against the door, knees tucked up, heels planted, the rest of the foot slightly raised. A claw touched my leg, I flinched, but I waited. It had to be right. Please, God, don't let them draw blood. Whiskers scraped along my face, the weight of fur on top of me.

I kicked out, both feet hitting solidly in the rat. It raised onto its hind legs and toppled backwards. It tittered, tail lashing. I threw myself forward and smashed it in the chest. The rat tumbled over the edge.

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