Mistrals Kiss   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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“We came out to see what the fuss was,” one of the other goblins said, “not get ourselves killed for a bunch of sidhe.” The goblin was almost twice as broad as any sidhe. He turned into the light a face that was covered in hard, round bumps. “Get a good look, Princess.” He threw back his cloak so I could see more of him. His arms were as covered as his face in bumps and growths, marks of beauty among the goblins. But these bumps were pastel colors — pink, lavender, mint green — not a skin tone that the goblins could boast.

“That’s right, I’m half sidhe,” he said. “Just like them, but I’m not so pretty, am I?”

“By goblin standards you are the more handsome,” I said.

He blinked eyes that bulged slightly from his face. “But you don’t judge by goblin standards, do you, Princess?”

“I ask as your ally for your aid. I ask as a blood-oathed ally to your king that the goblins aid me. Call Kurag and summon more goblins.”

“Why don’t you call the sidhe?” the bumpy goblin asked.

Truth was, I wasn’t certain there was anyone left who would risk themselves against the great hunt for me. Nor was I sure whether the queen would let them. She had been so unhappy with me when last we met.

“Are you saying that a goblin is a lesser warrior than a sidhe?” I asked, avoiding the question.

“No one is a greater warrior than the goblins,” he said.

Ash said, “You don’t know if the sidhe will come.”

I was out of time to prevaricate further. “No, I don’t,” I admitted. “Aid me, Ash, help me, as my ally, help us.”

“Beg,” Holly said, “beg for our aid.”

“The goblins seek to delay,” Frost said, voice hoarse, “they seek to delay until the fight is over. Cowards!”

I gazed up at the three tall goblins, and the others waiting in the shadows. I did the only thing I could think of. I searched Frost until I found a gun. I pulled it free of the holster and got to my feet.

Bancroft had finally handcuffed his partner to the steering wheel, though Agent Charlie was still trying to get free and get to me. Bancroft joined us in the snow. “What are you going to do, Princess?”

“I’m going to go back and fight.” I hoped that in the face of my determination, the goblins could do naught but join.

“No,” Bancroft said, and started to reach across Frost toward me.

I pointed the gun at him and clicked off the safety. “I have no quarrel with you, Agent Bancroft.”

He had gone very still. “Glad to hear it. Now give me the gun.

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