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9. Final Report on War Game «Padrone». US National Archives. RG 218. (U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff). Geographic File. Security Classified 1948-1950. 381 USSR (3-2-46). B.P. Pt. 1.

10. Final Report on War Game «Stunner». US National Archives. RG 218 (U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff). Geographic File. Security Classified 1948-1950. 381 USSR (3-2-46). B.P. Pt. 1. Pp.


11. См. Betts R. Nuclear Blackmail and Nuclear Balance. — Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1987. — P. 24.

12. US National Archives. RG 218 (US Joint Chiefs of Staff). Geographic File 1948-1950. 381 United States (5-23-46). Section 5. J.I.C. 380/2. February 16, 1948. Estimate of the Intentions

and Capabilities of the USSR Against the Continental United States and the Approaches thereto, 1948-1957. P. 36.

13. EUCOM. Russian Cable Number 38. SX-3422. 18 Oct. 47. Top Secret. U.S. National Archives. R.G. 84. Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State. U.S.S.R. Moscow Embassy. Top Secret

Records from the Office of the Ambassador, 1943-50. Box 1.

14. См. Matthew A. Evangelista. Stalin's Postwar Army Reapprised. //International Security, Winter 1982/1983 (Vol. 7, No 3), p. 115; Karber P. ad Combs J. The United States, NATO, and

the Soviet Threat to Werstern Europe: Military Estimates and Policy Options, 1945-1963. //Diplomatic History, Summer 1998 (Vol. 22, No. 3), p. 404-408.

15. America's Plans for War Against the Soviet Union, 1945-1950… Vol. 5. The Limits of American Power. J.S.P.G. 496/1. 8 November 1947. «Broiler». Pp. 8-12, 44, 48, 114-117.

16. J.S.P.G. 500/2. 8 March 1948. «Bushwacker». U.S. National Archives. R.G. 218 (Joint Chiefs of Staff). Geographic File. Security Classified 1948-1950. 381. U.S.S.R. (3-2-46). Sec. 11. P. 275.

17. U.S. National Security Archives. R.G. 273. NSC 20/1. August 18, 1948. P. 50.

18. Ibid., p. 51.

19. J.I.S. 382/5. June 25, 1948. US National Archives. RG 218. Geographic File 1948-1950. 381 U.S. (5-23-46). Sec. 7.

20. The Evaluation of the Atomic Bomb as a Military Weapon. National Security Archives. Nuclear History. Box 8.

21. NSC 30. A Report to the National Security Council by the Executive Secretary on United States Policy on Atomic Warfare. September 10, 1948. P. 5. National Security Archives. Nuclear

History Box 8. 1948.

22. The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order. //Ed. by Bernard Brodie. — New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1946. — P. 88.

23. Ibid., p. 87.


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