Шпионы XX века (Главы 11-15)   ::   Найтли Филлип

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(25) Letter from Philby to author, 27 March 1979.

(26) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 3, BBC Radio 4, 27 January 1982.

(27) R. W. Johnson, 'Making Things Happen', London Review of Books, 6-19 September 1984, p. 12.

(28) Tad Szulc, 'When the Russians Rocked the World', The Times. 29 August 1984.

(29) David Holloway, in letter to author, 2 August 1985.

(30) New York Times, 7 May 1950.

(31) Quoted in Robert Kimball, 'Criminals of the Century?'. Unsolved, vol. 2, no. 21 (1984).

(32) David Holloway, 'Entering the Nuclear Arms Race: the Soviet Decision to Build the Atomic Bomb, 1939-1945', Social Studies of Science, vol. 11 (1981), p. 169.

(33) ibid., p. 175.

(34) ibid., p. 179.

(35) ibid., p. 183.

(36) ibid., p. 186.

(37) Holloway in letter to author, 2 August 1985.

(38) Davidson in letter to author, 16 October 1967.

(39) Fuchs's confession to Dr Michael W. Perrin, atomic scientist, British Ministry of Supply, quoted in letter from Hoover to Souers, 2 March 1950. Harry S. Trurnai; Library, President's secretary's files.

(40) Holloway, 'Entering the Nuclear Arms Race', p. 194.

(41) Holloway in letter to author, 2 August 1985.

(42) Fuchs's confession to Dr. Perrin, cit. at n. 39.

(43) B. Smith, Shadow Warriors, p. 389.

(44) National Security Act Hearing, p. 29.

(45) Margaret Gowing, 'Niels Bohr and Nuclear Weapons' (manuscript of chapter for Massachusetts Institute of Technology), p. 10.

(46) Barnes. 'Secret Cold War. Part 2', p. 654.

(47) H. A. DeWeerd, 'Strategic Surprise in the Korean War', Orbis (Fall 1962), pp. 439-40.

(48) ibid., p. 438.

(49) Louis Heren. 'Korea: the Blame that Rests on MacArthur', The Times. 3 January 1981.

(50) DeWeerd, 'Strategic Surprise', p. 449.

(51) Barnes, 'Secret Cold War. Part 2', p. 652.

(52) ibid., p. 655.

(53) 'Should the U. S. Fight Secret Wars; a Forum', Harper's. September 1984, p. 44.

(54) Ransom, 'Secret Intelligence', p. 209.

(55) R. W. Johnson, 'Making Things Happen', p. 14.

Глава 12

(1) Verrier, Looking Glass, p. 98.

(2) P. Hennessy and G. Brownfeld, 'Britain's Cold War Security Purge: the Origins of Positive Vetting'. Historical Journal, vol. 25, no. 4 (1982), pp. 971-2.

(3) ibid., p. 973.

(4) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 4, BBC Radio 4. 3 February 1982.

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