Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas   ::   Thompson Hunter S.

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The voices from up front crackled with a fuzzy, high-pitched urgency, and the delay was just enough to keep the words disconcertingly out of phase with the speaker's ges tures.

"We must come to terms with the Drug Culture in this country!… country… country…" These echoes drifted back to the rear in confused waves. "The reefer butt is called a 'roach' because it resembles a cockroach…cockroach… cockroach…

"What the fuck are these people talking about?" my attorney whispered. "You'd have to be crazy on acid to think a joint looked like a goddamn cockroach!"

I shrugged. It was clear that we'd stumbled into a prehis toric gathering. The voice of a "drug expert" named Bloomquist crackled out of the nearby speakers: "… about these flashbacks, the patient never knows; he thinks it's all over and he gets himself straightened out for six months… and then, darn it, the whole trip comes back on him."

Gosh darn that fiendish LSD! Dr. E. R. Bloomquist, MD, was the keynote speaker, one of the big stars of the conference. He is the author of a paperback book titled Marijuana, which - according to the cover - "tells it like it is." (He is also the inventor of the roach/cockroach thoery…)

According to the book jacket, he is an "Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery (Anesthesiology) at the University of Southern Cllfcruia School of Medicine"… and also “a well known authority on the abuseof dangerous drugs.: Dr. Bllomquist “has also appeared on national network television panles, has served as a consultant for government agencies, was a member of the Committee on Narcotics Addiction and Alcoholism of the Council on Mental Health of the American Medical Association." His wisdom is massively reprinted and distributed, says the publisher. He is clearly one of the heavies on that circuit of second-rate academic hustlers who get paid anywhere from $500 to $1000 a hit for lecturing to cop crowds.

Dr. Bloomquist's book is a compendium of state bullshit. On page 49 he explains, the "four states of being" in the cannabis society: "Cool, Groovy, Hip Square" - in that descending order. "The square is seldom if ever cool," says Bloomquist. "He is 'not with it,' that is, he doesn't know 'what's happening.' But if he manages to figure it out, he moves up a notch to 'hip.' And if he can bring himself to approve of what's happening, he becomes 'groovy.' And after that, with much luck and perseverence, he can rise to the rank of 'cool."'

Bloomquist writes like somebody who once bearded Tim Leary in a campus cocktail lounge and paid for all the drinks.

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