История религии (Том 6)   ::   Мень Александр

Страница: 830 из 855

878. Buechler F. Types of Jewish Palestinian Piets from 70 ВСЕ to 70 СЕ. Oxford, 1926.

879. Gazelles Н. Naissance de 1'Eglise: secte juive rejetee? Paris, 1968.

880. Cohen D. The Talmudic Age. - In: Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People. New York, 1956, p. 143-212.

881. Comay J. The Temple of Jerusalem. New York, 1975.

882. Coppens J. Landhe R. de L'attente du Messie. Bruges, 1954.

883. Coste J. La premiere experience de traduction biblique. - La Maison Dieu, 1958, Э 3.

884. Deissmann A. Die Hellenisierung des semitischen Monoteismus. Leipzig, 1903.

885. Dimier . С. . The Old Testament Apocrypha. New York, 1964.

886. Finkelstein L. The Pharisees. V. 1-2. Philadelphia, 1962.

887. Fischel H.A. The First Book of Maccabees. New York, 1948.

888. Flusser D. Judaism and Christianity. Collection of Articles. Jerusalem, [б. г.].

889. Funk S. Die Entstehung des Talmud. Leipzig, 1910.

890. Gaubert Н. La renaissance d'Israel. Tours, 1967.

891. Hengel М. Judentum und Hellenismus. Tubingen, 1969.

892. Hengel М. Die Zeloten. Leiden, 1961.

893. Her ford R. T. The Pharisees. 1924.

894. Jeremias J. Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus. London, 1976.

895. Jones A. Н. М. The Herods of Judea. Oxford, 1938.

896. Juster. Les Juifs dans l'Empire romain, conditions juridiques, economiques et sociales. V. 1-2. Paris, 1914.

897. Klausner J. The Messianic Idea in Israel. London, 1956.

898. Lagrange М. Le Missionisme chez les juifs. Paris, 1905.

899. Liberman S. Greek in Jewish Palestine. New York, 1950.

900. Mc Eleney W.J. 1-2 Maccabees. - JBC, 1968, v. 1.

900a. Sanders Е.P. Paul and Palestinian Judaism. London, 1977.

901. Metzger M.B. An Introduction to the Apocrypha. New York, 1957,

902. Moor G. F. Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era. V. 1-3. Cambridge, 1927-1930.

903. Osterley W. An Introduction to the Books of the Apocrypha. New York, 1935.

904. Osterley W. The Jews and Judaism during the Greek Period. London, 1941.

905. Pearlman М. The Maccabees. Jerusalem, 1973.

906. Perownes S. Life and Times of Herod the Great. New York, 1959.

907. Radin М. The Jews among the Greeks and Romans. Philadelphia, 1915.

908. Schoenberg М. First and Second Books of the Maccabees. Collegeville, 1966.

909. Scholem G. The Messianic Idea in Judaism. New York, 1974.

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