Секреты китайской медитации.   ::   Юй Лю Гуань

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After walking unaided to present my thanks to the assembly, I returned to the sick bay. Everyone present was surprised at my transformation, and I moved out of the hut for sick monks."

From then until his death, the master performed his Bodhisattva work by expounding sutras, transmitting the precepts, reconstructing many temples that had fallen in ruins, building new ones and starting seminaries for novices, Buddhist associations for lay men and free Buddhist schools for children. His field of activities was not confined to China but also included Burma, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore and Hong Kong where the number of his disciples could not be counted.

In the course of this Bodhisattva work, the master survived dangers, illnesses, poisoning, beating, torture and persecution. A translation of his autobiography is being published by instalments in World Buddhism, a monthly journal published in Dehiwela, Ceylon. Before passing away on 13th October 1959, the master said to his attendant: "After my death and cremation, please mix my ashes with sugar, flour and oil, knead all this into nine balls and throw them into the river as an offering to living beings in the water. If you help me to fulfil my vow, I shall thank you for ever."

Hsu Yun in his extreme old age had chosen hardship and suffering to protect the Buddha Dharma in his country instead of seeking safety across the water in Hong Kong.


Порожнее Облако. Атобиография китайского дзенского учителя Сюй-Юня (частично)

Перевод с английского И. А. Ковина

Москва, 1996


Имя Учителя Сюй-юня было известно и уважаемо в Китае в каждом буддистском храме и в каждом доме еще задолго до его смерти в почтенном возрасте 120 лет в 1959 году на горе Юнь-цзю. Он стал чем-то вроде живой легенды своего времени. Его жизнь и пример вызвали такое же смешанное чувство благоговейного страха и вдохновения в умах китайских буддистов, какое вызывает Миларепа у тибетских буддистов.

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