Шаманизм: Архаические техники экстаза   ::   Элиаде Мирча

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James Mooney, The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890, p. 748 sq., 780 sq., etc.; Leslie Spier, The Prophet Dance of the Northwest and Its Derivatives: the Source of the Ghost Dance, "General Series in Anthropology", I, Menasha, 1935; Cora A. Du Bois, The 1870 Ghost Dance.

80. James Mooney, p. 663 sq., 746 sq., 772 sq., etc.

81. Ibid, p. 672 sq., 719 sq.

82. Ibid., p. 777 sq., 781, 786.

83. Ibid., p. 748.

84. Ibid., p. 672, 675-676.

85. Ibid., p. 915 sq., 786, 789 sq., pl. CIII, p. 895.

86. Ibid., p. 791, 823 sq.

87. A. Metraux, Le Shamanism chez les Indiens de l'Amerique du Sud Tropicale, p. 329; id., Religion and Shamanism (in J. H. Steward, ed., Handbook of South American Indians, V: The Comparative Ethnology of South American Indians, Washington, 1949, 559-599); E. H. Ackerknecht, Medical Practices (in ibid., p. 621 sq.); J. H. Steward, Shamanism among the Marginal Tribes (in ibid., p. 650 sq.); A. Metraux, The Social Organization of the Mojo and Manasi ("Primitive Man", XVI, Washington, 1943, p. 1-30), p. 9-16 (шаманизм мохо), p. 22-28 (шаманизм манаси); W. Madsen, Shamanism in Mexico ("Southwestern Journal of Anthropology", XI, Albuquerque, 1955, p. 48-57); Nils M. Holmer, S. Henry Wassen, ed. et trad., Nia-Ikala: Canto magico para curar la locura, "Ethnologiska Studier", 23, Goteborg, 1958; Nils M. Holmer, S. Henry Wassen, Dos Cantos shamanisticos de los Indios Cunas, "Ethnologiska Studier", 27, Goteborg, 1963; O. Zerries, Krankheitsdamonen und Hilfsgeister des Medizinmannes in Sudamerica, "Proceedings of the 30th International Congress of Americanists", London, 1955, 162-178. О проблеме культурных циклов в Южной Америке см. W. Schmidt, Kulturkreise und Kulturschichten in Sudamerica, "Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie", XLV, Berlin, 1913, p. 1014-1124, и его критика: Roland B. Dixon, The Building of Cultures, New York, 1928, p. 182 sq., и дискуссия: W. Koppers, "Anthropos", XXIV, 1929, p.695-699. См. также R. Karsten, The Civilization of the South American Indians, London, 1926; id., Zur Psychologie des indianischen Medizinmannes, "Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie", LXXX, 2, Berlin, 1955, p. 170-177; John M. Cooper, Areal and Temporal Aspekts of Aboriginal South American Culture, "Primitive Man", XV, 1-2, Washington, 1942, p. 1-38. О происхождении и истории южноамериканских цивилизаций см. Erland Nordenskiold, Origin of the Indian Civilization in South America, "Comparative Ethnografical Studies", IX, 9, Goteborg, 1931, особенно p.

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