A Caress Of Twilight   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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"His king, Kurag, has informed me that my body, my blood, my flesh,my magic is what sustains Kitto out here among the humans. He needs to stay in contact with my skin for a time longer."

"You would kick him out of your bed for one of your sidhe warriors."

"No." Kitto spoke softly. "I have been privileged to stay while they mate. I have seen their light cast shadows on the walls, so bright they glowed."

Sage fluttered down to hover over Kitto's upturned face. "Goblin, your kind eats mine in times of war."

"The strong eat the weak. It is the way of the world," Kitto said.

"The goblin world," Sage said.

"It is all I know."

"You are far from that world now."

Kitto cuddled under the sheet so that only his eyes showed. "Merry is my world now."

"Do you like this new world, goblin?"

"I am warm, safe, and she bears my mark on her body. It is a good world."

Sage hovered for a few moments more, then flew back up to my waiting hand. "If the goblin gives his word of most solemn honor that nothing he sees, hears, feels, or senses in any way will he repeat to anyone, then he may stay."

Kitto repeated the promise word for word.

"Very well," Sage said. He gazed down my body; and though he was no taller than my forearm, I shivered and had the most uncomfortable desire to cover myself. A tiny red tongue like a drop of blood licked across his pale lips. "First the bloodletting, then the cure." The way he said cure made me half wish I hadn't agreed to all the guards leaving me alone. He was smaller than a Barbie doll, but in that instant, I was afraid of him.

Chapter 28

He fluttered down off my hand toward my breasts. I put my other arm between him and my body. He ended up on my other wrist, which I moved out from my body in order to see him more easily. I raised the sheet over my chest with my other hand.

He looked disgusted. "Will you deny me heart blood?"

"I saw what your kind did to my knight. I would be foolish to let you near such tender flesh before I see exactly how gently you feed."

He sat down on my wrist, ankles crossed, hands on either side to steady him. He seemed to weigh more sitting down; not much more, but it was noticeable.

"I would be ever so gentle, fair lady." His voice was the sound of chimes in a warm summer breeze. Had his lips been like a tiny crimson flower but a moment ago? He touched that flower-soft mouth to my hand, his body reclined along my arm as I would have reclined upon a couch. He ran his tiny mouth and hands over the minute hairs on my arm.

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