A Lick Of Frost   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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Shanley, who was in charge of these men, said, "She took oath on it."

"So did our king."

"I cannot help that," he said.

"Taranis hurt me. He and no other. I swear it by the darkness that eats all things."

"You are mad to make such an oath," a voice I didn't know said.

"Only if she lies." I think that was Sir Hugh. But there was so much noise, so many voices. The press had begun to yell at us. They shouted their questions, their theories. We all ignored them.

Dr. Hardy began to speak quietly to me, to explain what was happening to me. She began to introduce me to her team. She would explain, and only then would they touch me. It began to help me lose that edge of hysteria.

Only when a voice sounded on the microphone that I still had not seen did I make them stop. The voice said, "We have told you what happened to the princess. The Unseelie guard who were supposed to protect her beat and raped her. Our king saved his niece from them and brought her to sanctuary here."

It was too much. No matter how I felt, I could not let them ship me to a hospital and leave that lie in the ears of the media.

"I need a microphone, please. I need to tell the truth," I said.

Dr. Hardy didn't like it, but Hugh and others backed me up, and they rolled me to the front of the room. They insisted that I keep the choking closeness of the neck brace on. I was already hooked up to an I.V. Apparently my blood pressure was low and my body was a little shocky.

The doctor stepped up to the microphone.

"I am Dr. Vanessa Hardy. The princess needs to get to a hospital, but she insists on talking to you. She is injured, and we need to get her to a hospital. This will be quick. I hope that is clear?"

Several of them said, "It is clear."

The press secretary was all pink and gold and sidhe beauty. She didn't want to give up the mic. She'd heard enough from the doorway to worry her.

It was Agent Gillett who took it from her, and held it for me. You could feel the eagerness of the press like a sort of magic of their own.

A voice called, "Who hit you?"

"Taranis," I said.

There was a collective sigh of eagerness and an explosion of flashes. I closed my eyes against it.

"Did the Unseelie rape you?"


"Were you raped, Princess?"

"Taranis knocked me unconscious and kidnapped me, and I woke nude in his bed. He says we had sex. I will be taking a rape kit at the hospital. If it comes back positive for an unknown, then yes, my uncle raped me.

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