Mistrals Kiss   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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I will not bring us back to life with death, and I cannot bring us back with life.”

“I would wait until you were healed, Sholto, if I could. But this night is about bringing life back to faerie. Console yourself — we will have other nights, or days. Other times, after you are healed, to do what we want to do. Tonight, we do what we must.”

He uncovered his eyes and gazed down at me. His face held such despair.

“I can’t think of any intercourse position that isn’t going to hurt you, and you don’t like pain,” I said.

“I did not say I did not like pain, but not this much.”

I stored that away for future reference. “I know. There are limits for most of us beyond which pain is just pain.”

“I am sorry, Meredith, but I fear I have reached that point with these wounds.”

“We’ll see,” I said. I leaned back over his body until I could kiss the front of him. I drew him, gently, into my mouth. The only other time I’d had him in my mouth he had been long and hard, and eager. Tonight his body was quiet, loose, and still.

At first, I was almost impatient, but I let that go. This was not a moment for impatience, or hurrying — this was Sholto’s first time with another sidhe. This was one of his most treasured dreams, and he was coming to it hurt, and not at his best. He’d probably fantasized this moment, and now none of his fantasies was coming true. Reality was a harsher mistress than imagination.

I let go of the impatience. I stopped wondering what Doyle and Frost and the others must be thinking. I let go the thought that my powers were growing and I had no idea what they would do next. I let all the worries go, and gave myself over to this moment. I gave myself over to the sensation of him in my mouth.

I had been denied the chance to give oral sex to most of my lovers. They didn’t want to risk spilling their seed anywhere but between my legs, wasting a chance to father the next heir to the throne — a chance to make themselves king to my queen. I didn’t blame them, but I loved oral sex, and I’d missed performing it. The few times I’d been able to persuade anyone, he had already been excited — big, hard, which was a pleasure all its own — but I liked the feel of a man when he was small. So much easier to take all of him in my mouth. No straining, no fighting all that length or width.

I rolled him in my mouth, sucking gently, at first. But I wanted to enjoy all the sensation I could while he remained small, so I increased in intensity.

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