The Case of the Velvet Claws   ::   Гарднер Эрл Стенли

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Аннотация: A spoiled woman is keen to keep news of her affairs from her powerful husband, even if it costs Perry his freedom when she swears he was on the murder scene.


Erle Stanley Gardner

The Case of the Velvet Claws

Perry Mason — 1

Cast of Characters

in the order of their appearance

Perry Mason — fighting attorney, who preferred being paid off as a sheep to being doublecrossed like a lamb.

Della Street — who was a faithful Girl Friday (also Sunday and Monday, if not quite always).

Eva Griffin — well groomed and well heeled, who was a phony.

Harrison Burke — Congressman, whose Duty to the People was to keep them from knowing he was mixed up in murder.

Frank Locke — editor of Spicy Bits, who was Southern, but not gentleman.

Paul Drake — who turned up some interesting information on Georgia peaches and sons of same.

Sidney Drumm — who put himself out on a limb of the tree Perry Mason was up.

George C. Belter — who got his money by blackmail, and who — naturally — got his.

Mrs. Belter — a woman who had a will of her own and put a velvet clause in it.

Carl Griffin — nephew of George Belter, and a gentleman around and around and around the town.

Bill Hoffman — head of Homicide, who wanted the sleuth, the whole sleuth, and little else.

Mrs. Veitch — the housekeeper, who was silent as the tomb and looked like a mummy.

Norma Veitch — a girl with matrimonies on her mind.

Esther Linten — who made up for losing her beauty sleep by deciding to pass out the night before.

Sol Steinburg — who excelled at histrionics.

Arthur Atwood — who found himself vulnerable on Mrs. Belter’s tricks.

Harry Loring — who wasn’t sure whether he had too many wives or none.

Chapter 1

Autumn sun beat against the window.

Perry Mason sat at the big desk. There was about him the attitude of one who is waiting. His face in repose was like the face of a chess player who is studying the board. That face seldom changed expression. Only the eyes changed expression. He gave the impression of being a thinker and a fighter, a man who could work with infinite patience to jockey an adversary into just the right position, and then finish him with one terrific punch.

Book cases, filled with leatherbacked books, lined the walls of the room. A big safe was in one corner.

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