История одного мифа: Очерки русской литературы XIX-XX вв   ::   Дудаков. Савелий

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In the early 20th century The Protocols were concocted by the tsarist police as a tool to combat growing revolutionary activity in Russia. This forgery is revealed to be the culmination of many trends in Russian socio-political thought

In Europe Nazi Germany took the lead in setting itself up as the leader of the opposition to the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, now viewed as including the Bolshevik enemy. Echoes of The Protocols are shown to be frequent in recent Soviet anti-Semitic (anti-Zionist) literature.

The present investigation of the sources and ramifications of this conspiracy is based on an analysis of a very broad range of historical and literary materials hardly known even to specialists.

The influence and continuity of anti-Semitic myths within Russian culture is presented in a chronological framework including: 1) an introduction dealing with anti-Jewish literature of the Uth-15th centuries; 2) social and political ideas from the late 17th to the early 19th century; 3) the ideological and literary expression of anti-Semitism in Russian belles-lettres of the 2nd half of the 19th century; 4) conservative-reactionary literature in late tsarist Russia as a reaction to the threat of revolution; and 5) The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 20th century totalitarian societies, Soviet, Nazi, and Arab.


Абрамович 28

Агриппа Корнелий 79,93

Агурский М.С. 231

Адамович М. 48

Айналов Д.В. 32

Аксаков И.С. 99

Аксаков СТ. 79, 93, 233


Алданов М.А. 242, 259

Александр I 26, 35, 40, 42, 44, 46, 47, 52, 58, 60, 61, 73, 83, 84, 94, 111, 198, 233, 238-240, 242

Александр II 34, 99, 102, 104, 110, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 237

Александр III 122,149, 172, 178,251

Александра Федоровна 148, 267

Александровский Б.Н. 229, 233

Алексеев М.В. 260

Алексей Михайлович 18, 19, 34

Алтаев Ал. 259

Альвардт Г. 145

Амальрик А. 213

Амартола Георгий 10, 32

Амвросий (Оптинский)160

Амфитеатров А.Ф. 175

Андрей Боголюбский 12

Анна Иоанновна 205

Ансело 74

Антоний (Бочков) 160,168,233

Аракчеев А.А. 54, 57, 78

Арндт 25

Архаровы 41

Аскенази Ш.

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