Через Дебри к звездам   ::   Клыгин Александр

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Здесь вы найдете стихи Клыгина, ставшие текстами песен на диске, и незавершенный, но, тем не менее, интересный рассказ «Конец света».

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«John Debry’s song»

My name is John Debry and I am a cop,

My work is catching cats at moonnights

I live in the city which is called New-York

I thought that it's a capital of planet.

At nights I walked on the streets,

I had no friends, I had no enemy.

Pretty women are not in love with me

Only the moon walks with me here.

And I don't know why I was born

I am just a little part of the sistem.

I want to be such as James Bond

But I am not cool and I am not an Englishman.

But all was changed one rainy day

When I came to an Indian's shaman.

He saw my future, he saw next day

And said I should see a magic power!

I was afraid and went to drink.

I fall in love with July Wraker.

I was a hero, it was great.

I was a friend of agent Mulder.

And I was just a simple man,

But I have met sir Eldorado.

Now I'll never be the same

Because I saw his magic power!

And night had come in afternoon

All magic doors were really opened.

And on the sky there was full Moon

This battle never will be forget!

I killed strange monsters at this night

And I became a really hero.

Dark forces was destroyed in fight

And now world's clear like a new mirror.

I was in the city called Babylon

I made friends with king Hammurapy.

Way home for me was very long

But now I know what means «Be happy».

I was in Mexico on the bridge

On the bridge of Carlos Castaneda .

I saw another world which's rich

In that world every man is Buddha.

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