Через Дебри к звездам   ::   Клыгин Александр

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Улыбнется солнце тебе, мой друг

И защитит от невзгод и разлук.

Поверь же в эти небеса!

Ведь там горит твоя звезда!

Поверь, что в жизни есть экстаз,

Поверь в безумный наш рассказ.

И над землею взлетая теперь,

Ты знаешь: жизнь тебе открыла дверь.

«A new generation»

And here we are – a new generation.

We have no words, but we’ll make a sensation.

Here we come – a new generation.

You didn’t wait for us, let’s start celebration!

We are not presidents, but we have a power.

We have not much money, but we can see the flower.

We are not producers and we are not stars.

We are not a people, but you know us.

We know many religions, but we are faithless.

We want to have more; we don’t want to have less.

And we began from nothing, we’ll take everything.

If you stay on our way, get out, don’t think.

We will walk all the roads; we will take all the ways.

We will change you forever, we’ll be here always.

Our color is green, our color is dark,

Our color is gold, our color is white.

We have been waiting for the thousands of years,

We had many problems, we had many tears.

And now our time comes, you have to close your eyes.

We are standing in silence, looking at sunset rays.

We know, dark time ends, we begin our days.

And here we are – a new generation,

We have many dreams, we’ll make a sensation.

Here we come – a new generation.

What about do you think? Let’s start celebration!

«Врата в никуда»

Когда пошел первый снег, прояснилась моя голова.

Я понял, что я просто врата, и эти врата ведут в никуда.

Я вышел под снег и я вышел под дождь.

Не надо помогать, если можешь помочь.

Все решено, путь мой определен, мир – не реальность, но и не сон.

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