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Here Madam Nature likewise, desirous to take her children home, had provided this fair and so large a Tomb, whilst on her aged hoary head, and dewie face, by Nine that morn, the Imperial Forces were on Wariaschal's (other days pleasant, now bloudy) Valley drawn up; whose strength, in two Bodies managed, whole and compleat, consisted of more then Eighteen thousand Horse, commanded by known valiant Conductors, and Infantry of the double-numbred force, led by Commanders of like unquestionable gallantry; with so great Ammunition-stores, as might some days employ their braving mindes; an Artillery-Train of 28 Field-Cannon, 18 Demy, 26 whole Culverin; with Saich, Partridge, and Murderes, on Carriage, above 40.

Thus equipped or fitted, drew down their Bodies, the Right by the General Dolerucko, the other by the Czar commanded; Faced the Enemy, whose more numerous Body by 20000 Horse and Infantry, in their own thoughts securely advance, in like Bodies, the Right led by the grand Rebel Stepan Radzin, the other by the great strengthner of this unhappie Feud, the Patriarch Demainzone, backed by a forcible Train of Artillery.

By Ten a clock, in horrid peals of shot, were so neer approached the Right Wings, (the one by Authority, the other by Numbers doubtless emboldned) that the Horse of the Rebels, by desperate Charge, and continued hours fresh assault, cause the General Dolerucko give retreat: but his true Reserve, and the Imperial Guard, with the Artillery well plyed, so galled his Plumes for some time; such a populous Wing, and on pursuit, was never heard of to be better pluckt whilst then. The Czar, not being out of action, and seeing the whole Diadem at stake, left the sharp Dispute he was engaged in with Demainzone, and fell into the Rere of the pursuant the Rebel Radzin, with so powerful management, as shook his mounted body, and over ran his Infantry to all wonder. The Patriarch mistaken in the suddenness of his wheeling, expecting he intended by the change of ground into his Flank, wheeled to the contrary to provide for his reception: and the Army spreading so fully the Plain, ere he could well recover his rash motion; the Rebel Radzin, unassisted, had neither ground for handsome retreat, nor safety in flight; but indeed (with unheard-of resolution) forced (like the son of Despair) his pass between the buryings of the Czar's Infantry, into his first ground again, and joyned with the Patriarch, commanding some retreat, to compleat his battered Companies. In this Onset were lost five of the Great Dukes Colours, three of Horse, and two of Foot; and thirteen of the Rebels, with the return of unpitied shattered Files.

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