Архив Шерлока Холмса (и)   ::   Конан Дойл Артур

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He began his adventures in the very heart of the later Victorian era, carried it through the all-too-short reign of Edward, and has managed to hold his own little niche even in these feverish days. Thus it would be true to say that those who first read of him, as young men, have lived to see their own grown-up children following the same adventures in the same magazine. It is a striking example of the patience and loyalty of the British public.

I had fully determined at the conclusion of The Memoirs to bring Holmes to an end, as I felt that my literary energies should not be directed too much into one channel. That pale, clear-cut face and loose-limbed figure were taking up an undue share of my imagination. I did the deed, but fortunately no coroner had pronounced upon the remains, and so, after a long interval, it was not difficult for me to respond to the flattering demand and to explain my rash act away. I have never regretted it, for I have not in actual practice found that these lighter sketches have prevented me from exploring and finding my limitations in such varied branches of literature as history, poetry, historical novels, psychic research, and the drama. Had Holmes never existed I could not have done more, though he may perhaps have stood a little in the way of the recognition of my more serious literary work.

And so, reader, farewell to Sherlock Holmes! I thank you for your past constancy, and can but hope that some return has been made in the shape of that distraction from the worries of life and stimulating change of thought which can only be found in the fairy kingdom of romance.

Знатный клиент

— Теперь это никому не повредит, — так ответил мне Шерлок Холмс, когда я в десятый раз за десять лет попросил у него разрешения обнародовать нижеследующее повествование. Так что мне наконец-то позволено написать отчет о том деле, которое в определенном отношении можно считать вершиной карьеры моего друга.

Турецкая баня — наша с Холмсом слабость. Я не раз замечал, что именно там, в приятной истоме дымной парилки, мой друг становился менее замкнутым и более человечным, нежели где бы то ни было.

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