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74. На смену «боевику-негру» пришел турок, www.gazeta.ru/2004/09/27/oa_134678.shtml

75. Наемники бегут из Чечни, см. www.vesti.ru, 05.11.2004.


76. Резолюция 3314 (XXIX) Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН от 14 де¬кабря 1974 года об «Определении агрессии», см. http://www.un.org/mssian/documen/gadocs/convres/r29-3314.pdf

77. Экстремистская организация, виновная в стамбульских терактах, вербовала боевиков для войны в Нагорном Карабахе, 28 Ноября 2003 URL: http://www.day.az/news/armenia/2323.html

78. Two Turk Al Qaeda Suspects Extradited http://www.dawn.com/2005/01/03/top8.htm

79. The Applicability of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide to Events which Occurred During the Early Twentieth Century, Cm. http://groong.com./ICTJ-analysis.html

80. Azerbaijan and International Terrorist Networks, http://www. cilicia. com/Azeriterrorism. htm

81. Blank J. Stephen, Pelletiere C. Stephen, Johnsen T. William. Turkey's Strategic Position at the Crossroads of World Affairs, US Army War Collage, December 3, 1993, http://www.carhsle.army.mil/ssi/pdf-files/PUB178.pdf

82. Bodansky Yossef, Chechnia. The Mujahedin Factor, at http://www.freeman.org/m_online/bodansky/chechnya.htm

83. Bodansky Yossef, The New Azerbaijan Hub: How Islamist operations are targeting Russia, Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh, Defense and Foreign Affairs' Strategic Policy, October, 1999. in http://www.anca.org/action_alerts/action_docs.php?docsid=38

84. Bodansky Yossef, Some Call It Peace Waiting For in the Balkans, at http://members.tripod.com/Balkania/resources/geostrategy/ bodansky_peace/index. html

85. The 9/11 Commission report. The Final Report of the National Com¬mission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, Official Govern¬ment Edition, p. 127, http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911/

86. Conflict, Drugs and Mafia Activities. Contribution to the Preparatory Work for the Hague Peace Conference, May 11-16, 1999, MARCH 1999, http://www.parl. gc.ca/37/l/parlbus/commbus/senate/com-e/ille-e/presentation-e/labrousse2-e.htm


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