A Stroke Of Midnight   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

Страница: 293 из 293

“And now?”I asked.

“I am whatever you need me to be.”

“You should hit him in the face with frying pans more often,” Rhys said, “he seems to like it.”

Another shriek cut the air. Followed by a helpless sobbing.

“Let us be away from here,” Doyle said, “before she tires of her new toy and seeks another.”

We all began to follow him down the hallway. Onilwyn stayed on his knees, so that we left him alone like that, kneeling before doors. I wondered what the queen would do if she came out and found him like that. Something horrible, no doubt.

He watched me with a lost look on his face. It was as if he was someone else inside Onilwyn’s skin.

“Come, Onilwyn, I would not leave you like a present before the doors.”

He gave a small smile and got to his feet, hurrying to catch us up. I did not like his change of heart. It was too abrupt. Or, perhaps, he was simply the perfect toadie, and like all good bootlickers, he was following the power. If he had changed sides, it was because he thought it would gain him power at court. It was why all toadies toadied.. How many others would Cel lose to me in the next few weeks? And how many would wait, neutral, to see who was left standing at the end?

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