The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

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«Filthy pictures, signore? Cellar Christians, kneeling, praying, singing psalms, kissing cross? Very naughty. Very smutty, signore. Entertain your friends . . . Excite the ladies.»

«No,» Foyle brushed the pornography aside. «I'm looking for Angelo Poggi.»

Y'ang-Yeovil signaled microscopically. His crew on the stairs began photographing and recording the interview without ceasing its pimping and whoring. The Secret Speech of the Intelligence Tong of the Inner Planets Armed Forces wig-wagged around Foyle and Robin in a hail of tiny tics, sniffs, gestures, attitudes, motions. It was the ancient Chinese sign language of eyelids, eyebrows, fingertips, and infinitesimal body motions.

«Signore?» Y'ang-Yeovil wheezed.

«Angelo Poggi?»

«Si, signore. I am Angelo Poggi.»

«Chef's assistant off the 'Vorga'?» Expecting the same start of terror manifested by Forrest and Orel, which he at last understood, Foyle shot out a hand and grabbed Y'ang-Yeovil's elbow. «Yes?»

«Si, signore,» Y'ang-Yeovil replied tranquilly. «How can I serve your worship?»

«Maybe this one can come through,» Foyle murmured to Robin. «He's not scared. Maybe he knows a way around the Block. I want information from you, Poggi.»

«Of what nature, signore, and at what price?»

«I want to buy all you've got. Anything you've got. Name your price.»

«But signore! I am a man full of years and experience. I am not to be bought in wholesale lots. I must be paid item by item. Make your selection and I will name the price. What do you want?»

«You were aboard 'Vorga' on September i6, 2436?»

«The cost of that item is ~r 10.»

Foyle smiled mirthlessly and paid.

«I was, signore.»

«I want to know about a ship you passed out near the asteroid belt. The wreck of the 'Nomad.' You passed her on September 16. 'Nomad' signaled for help and 'Vorga' passed her by. Who gave that order?»

«Ah, signore!»

«Who gave you that order, and why?»

«Why do you ask, signore?»

«Never mind why I ask. Name the price and talk.»

«I must know why a question is asked before I answer, signore.» Y'ang-Yeovil smiled greasily. «And I will pay for my caution by cutting the price. Why are you interested in 'Vorga' and 'Nomad' and this shocking abandonment in space? Were you, perhaps, the unfortunate who was so cruelly treated?»

«He's not Italian! His accent's perfect, but the speech pattern's all wrong. No Italian would frame sentences like that.»

Foyle stiffened in alarm.

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