The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

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Foyle had trained himself to read men, but Presteign's hard, handsome face was inscrutable. Standing face to face, the one detached and compelled, the other reserved and indomitable, they looked like a pair of brazen statues at white heat on the verge of running molten.

«I'm told that you boast of being an upstart, Fourmyle.»

«Yes. I've patterned myself after the first Presteign.»


«You will remember that he boasted of starting the family fortune in the plasma blackmarket during the third World War.»

«It was the second war, Fourmyle. But the hypocrites of our clan never acknowledge him. The name was Payne then.»

«I hadn't known.»

«And what was your unhappy name before you changed it to Fourmyle?»

«It was Presteign.»

«Indeed?» The basilisk smile acknowledged the hit. «You claim a relationship with our clan?»

«I will claim it in time.»

«Of what degree?»

«Let's say . . . a blood relationship.»

«How interesting. I detect a certain fascination for blood in you, Fourmyle.»

«No doubt a family weakness, Presteign.»

«You're pleased to be cynical,» Presteign said, not without cynicism, «but you speak the truth. We have always had a fatal weakness for blood and money. It is our vice. I admit it.»

«And I share it.»

«A passion for blood and money?»

«Indeed I do. Most passionately.»

«Without mercy, without forgiveness, without hypocrisy?»

«Without mercy, without forgiveness, without hypocrisy.»

«Fourmyle, you are a young man after my own heart. If you do not claim a relationship with our clan I shall be forced to adopt you.»

«You're too late, Presteign. I've already adopted you.»

Presteign took Foyle's arm. «You must be presented to my daughter, Lady Olivia. Will you allow me?»

They crossed the reception hall. Foyle hesitated, wondering whether he should call Robin to his side for impending emergencies, but he was too triumphant. He doesn't know. He'll never know. Then doubt came: But I'll never know if he does know. He's crucible steel. He could teach me a thing or two about control.

Acquaintances hailed Fourmyle.

«Wonderful deception you worked in Shanghai.»

«Marvelous carnival in Rome, wasn't it? Did you hear about the burning man who appeared on the Spanish Stairs?»

«We looked for you in London.»

«What a heavenly entrance that was,» Harry Sherwin-Williams called.

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