The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

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Your name just popped out of me. What would you have paid me to keep my mouth shut?»

«Don't be a fool, Jiz. This accident's going to earn you about 17,980,000.»

«What d'you mean?»

«I told you I'd give you whatever was left over after I finished 'Vorga'.»

«You've finished 'Vorga'?» she said in surprise.

«No, dear, you've finished me. But I'll keep my promise.»

She laughed. «Generous Gully Foyle. Be real generous, Gully. Make a run for it. Entertain me a little.»

«Squealing like a rat? I don't know how, Jiz. I'm trained for hunting, nothing else.»

«And I killed the tiger. Give me one satisfaction, Gully. Say you were close to 'Vorga.' I ruined you when you were half a step from the finish. Yes?»

«I wish I could, Jiz, but I can't. I'm nowhere. I was trying to pick up another lead here tonight.»

«Poor Gully. Maybe I can help you out of this jam. I can say . . . oh… that I made a mistake . . . or a joke . . . that you really aren't Gully Foyle. I know how to confuse Saul. I can do it, Gully . . . if you still love me.»

He looked down at her and shook his head. «It's never been love between us, Jiz. You know that. I'm too one-track to be anything but a hunter.»

«Too one-track to be anything but a fool!»

«What did you mean, Jiz . . . Dagenham arranged to keep you out of Couffre Martel. . . You know how to confuse Saul Dagenham? What have you got to do with him?»

«I work for him. I'm one of his couriers.»

«You mean he's blackmailing you? Threatening to send you back if you don't . . .»

«No. We hit it off the minute we met. He started off capturing me; I ended up capturing him.»

«How do you mean?»

«Can't you guess?»

He stared at her. Her eyes were veiled, but he understood. «Jiz! With him?»

«But how? He…”

«There are precautions. It's . . . I don't want to talk about it, Gully.»

«Sorry. He's a long time returning.»


«Dagenham. With his army.»

«Oh. Yes, of course.» Jisabella laughed again, then spoke in a low, furious tone. «You don't know what a tightrope you've been walking, Gully. If you'd begged or bribed or tried to romance me. . . By God, I'd have ruined you. I'd have told the world who you were . . . Screamed it from the housetops . . .

«What are you talking about?»

«Saul isn't returning. He doesn't know. You can go to hell on your own.»

«I don't believe you.

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