The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

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Seewhat I see! There's a dome in the sky, a rainbow dome. The colors run from deep tang to brilliant burn. That's what I've named the colors I see. What would that dome be?»

«The radar screen,» Foyle muttered.

«Arid then there are vasty shafts of fire thrusting up and swaying, weaving, dancing, sweeping. What are they?»

«Interceptor beams. You're seeing the whole electronic defense system.»

«And I can see the bombs coming down too . . . quick streaks of what you call red. But not your red; mine. Why can I see them?»

«They're heated by air friction, but the inert lead casing doesn't show the color to us.»

«See how much better you're doing as Galileo than Galahad. Oh! There's one coming down in the east. Watch for it! It's coming, coming, coming Now!»

A flare of light on the eastern horizon proved it was not her imagination.

«There's another to the north. Very close. Very. Now!»

A shock tore down from the north.

«And the explosions, Fourmyle . . . They're not just clouds of light. They're fabrics, webs, tapestries of meshing colors. So beautiful. Like exquisite shrouds.»

«Which they are, Lady Olivia.»

«Are you afraid?»


«Then run away.»

«Ah, you're defiant.»

«I don't know what I am. I'm scared, but I won't run.»

«Then you're brazening it out. Making a show of knightly courage.» The husky voice sounded amused. «Just think, Fourmyle. How long does it take to jaunte? You could be safe in seconds . . . in Mexico, Canada, Alaska. So safe. There must be millions there now. We're probably the last left in the city.»

«Not everybody can jaunte so far and so fast.»

«Then we're the last left who count. Why don't you leave me? Be safe. I'll be killed soon. No one will ever know your pretense turned tail.»


«Ah, you're angry. What shocking language. It's the first sign of weakness.

Why don't you exercise your better judgment and carry me off? That would be the second sign.»

«Damn you!»

He stepped close to her, clenching his fists in rage. She touched his cheek with a cool, quiet hand, but once again there was that electric shock.

«No, it's too late, my dear,» she said quietly. «Here comes a whole cluster of red streaks . . . down, down, down . . . directly at us. There'll be no escaping this. Quick, now! Run! Jaunte! Take me with you. Quick! Quick!»

He swept her off the bench.

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