The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

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«He left Mars in a private yawl, was shot up, and was observed being picked up by the Presteign S.S. 'Vorga.»

«Damn you, Presteign,» Dagenham snapped. «So that's why you've been…”

«Wait,» Y'ang-Yeovil commanded. «It's news to him too, Dagenham. Look at him.»

Presteign's handsome face had gone the color of ashes. He tried to rise and fell back stiffly in his chair. «Olivia . . .» he whispered. «With him…That scum . . .»


«My daughter, gentlemen, has . . .for some time been engaged in certain activities. The family vice. Blood and…I . . . have managed to close my eyes to it . . . Had almost convinced myself that I was mistaken. I . . . But Foyle! Dirt! Filth! He must be destroyed!» Presteign's voice soared alarmingly. His head twisted back like a hanged man's and his body began to shudder.

«What in the…?»

«Epilepsy,» Y'ang-Yeovil said. He pulled Presteign out of the chair onto the floor. «A spoon, Miss McQueen. Quick!» He levered Presteign's teeth open and placed a spoon between them to protect the tongue. As suddenly as it had begun, the seizure was over. The shuddering stopped. Presteign opened his eyes.

«Petit ma1,» Y'ang-Yeovil murmured, withdrawing the spoon. «But he'll be dazed for a while.»

Suddenly Presteign began speaking in a low monotone. «PyrE is a pyrophoric alloy. A pyrophore is a metal which emits sparks when scraped or struck. PyrE emits energy, which is why E, the energy symbol, was added to the prefix Pyr. PyrE is a solid solution of transplutonian isotopes, releasing thermonuclear energy on the order of stellar Phoenix action. It's discoverer was of the opinion that he had produced the equivalent of the primordial protomatter which exploded into the Universe.»

«My God!» Jisbella exclaimed.

Dagenham silenced her with a gesture and bent over Presteign. «How is it brought to critical mass, Presteign? How is the energy released?»

«As the original energy was generated in the beginning of time,» Presteign droned. «Through Will and Idea.»

«I'm convinced he's a Cellar Christian,» Dagenham muttered to Y'angYeovil. He raised his voice. «Will you explain, Presteign?»

«Through Will and Idea,» Presteign repeated. «PyrE can only be exploded by psychokinesis. Its energy can only be released by thought. It must be willed to explode and the thought directed at it. That is the only way.»

«There's no key? No formula?»

«No. Only Will and Idea are necessary.» The glazed eyes closed.

«God in heaven!» Dagenham mopped his brow.

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