The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

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Y'ang-Yeovil covered the fifty feet between them in exactly one-point-six-six seconds. «What about Foyle?»

«Sheffield's got him,» Bunny gasped.

«Sheffield? When?»

«Half an hour ago.»

«Why didn't he bring him here?»

«He abducted him. I think Sheffield's an O.S. agent. .

«Why didn't you come at Once?»

«Sheffield jaunted with Foyle. . . . Knocked him stiff and disappeared. I went looking. All over. Took a chance. Must have made fifty jauntes in twenty minutes. . .”

«Amateur!» Y'ang-Yeovil exclaimed in exasperation. «Why didn't you leave that to the pros?»

«Found 'em.»

«You found them? Where?»

«Old St. Pat's. Sheffield's after the…”

But Y'ang-Yeovil had turned on his heel and was tearing back up the corridor, shouting: «Robin! Robin! Stop! Stop!»

And then their ears were bruised by the bellow of thunder.


LIKE WIDENING RINGS IN A POND, the Will and the Idea spread, searching out, touching and tripping the delicate subatomic trigger of PyrE. The thought found particles, dust, smoke, vapor, motes, molecules. The Will and the Idea transformed them all.

In Sicily, where Dott. Franco Torre had worked for an exhausting month attempting to unlock the secret of one slug of PyrE, the residues and the precipitates had been dumped down a drain which led to the sea. For many months the Mediterranean currents had drifted these residues across the sea bottom. In an instant a hump-backed mound of water towering fifty feet high traced the courses, northeast to Sardinia and southwest to Tripoli. In a micro-second the surface of the Mediterranean was raised into the twisted casting of a giant earthworm that wound around the islands of Pantelleria, Lampedusa, Linosa, and Malta.

Some of the residues had been burned off; had gone up the chimney with smoke and vapor to drift for hundreds of miles before settling. These minute particles showed where they had finally settled in Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Greece with blinding pin-point explosions of incredible minuteness and intensity. And some motes, still drifting in the stratosphere, revealed their presence with brilliant gleams like daylight stars.

In Texas, where Prof. John Mantley had had the same baffling experience with PyrE, most of the residues had gone down the shaft of an exhausted oil well which was also used to accommodate radioactive wastes. A deep water table had absorbed much of the matter and spread it slowly over an area of some ten square miles. Ten square miles of Texas flats shook themselves into corduroy.

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