The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

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Make 'em tell you about PyrE, is all!»

To Dagenham, Y'ang-Yeovil and others jaunting in after him, as always, seconds too late,he shouted: «Tokyo. Imperial stage!» He disappeared a split second before their shots reached him.

It was nine o'clock of a crisp, winey morning in Tokyo, and the morning rush hour crowd milling around the Imperial stage alongside the carp ponds was paralyzed by a tiger-faced Samurai who appeared and hurled a slug of curious metal and unforgettable warnings and admonitions at them.

Foyle continued to Bangkok where it was pouring rain, and Delhi where a monsoon raged, always pursued in his mad-dog course. In Baghdad it was three in the morning and the night-club crowd and pub crawlers who stayed a perpetual half hour ahead of closing time around the world, cheered him alcoholically. In Paris and again in London it was midnight and the mobs on the Champs Elysées and in Piccadilly Circus were galvanized by Foyle's appearance and passionate exhortation.

Having led his pursuers three-quarters of the way around the world in fifty minutes, Foyle permitted them to overtake him in London. He permitted them to knock him down, take the ILl safe from his arms, count the remaining slugs of PyrE, and slam the safe shut.

«There's enough left for a war. Plenty left for destruction. . . annihilation. . . if you dare.» He was laughing and sobbing in hysterical triumph. «Millions for defense, but not one cent for survival.»

«D'you realize what you've done, you damned killer?» Dagenham shouted.

«I know what I've done.»

«Nine pounds of PyrE scattered around the world! One thought and we'll…How can we get it back without telling them the truth? For God's sake, Yeo, keep that crowd back. Don't let them hear this.»


«Then let's jaunte.»

«No,» Foyle roared. «Let them hear this. Let them hear everything.»

«You're insane, man. You've handed a loaded gun to children.»

«Stop treating them like children and they'll stop behaving like children. Who the hell are you to play monitor?»

«What are you talking about?»

«Stop treating them like children. Explain the loaded gun to them. Bring it all out into the open.» Foyle laughed savagely. «I've ended the last starchamber conference in the world. I've blown the last secret wide open. No more secrets from now on. . . . No more telling the children what's best for them to know. Let 'em all grow up. It's about time.»

«Christ, he is insane.»

«Am I? I've handed life and death back to the people who do the living and dying. The common man's been whipped and led long enough by driven men like us. . . . Compulsive men . . .

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