The Stars My Destination ( Tiger! Tiger! )   ::   Bester Alfred

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You can't punish 'Vorga.'»

«Don't know what you mean, girl. 'Vorga' passed me by.»

«You punish the brain, Gully. The brain that sets the trap. Find out who was aboard 'Vorga.' Find out who gave the order to pass you by. Punish him.»

«Yeah. How?»

«Learn to think, Gully. The head that could figure out how to get 'Nomad' under way and how to put a bomb together ought to be able to figure that out. But no more bombs; brains instead. Locate a member of 'Vorga's' crew. He'll tell you who was aboard. Track them down. Find out who gave the order. Then punish him. But it'll take time, Gully . . . time and money; more than you've got.»

«I got a whole life, me.»

They murmured for hours across the Whisper Line, their voices sounding small yet close to the ear. There was only one particular spot in each cell where the other could be heard, which was why so much time had passed before they discovered the miracle. But now they made up for lost time. And Jisbella educated Foyle.

«If we ever break out of Gouffre Martel, Gully, it'll have to be together, and I'm not trusting myself to an illiterate partner.»

«Who's illiterate?»

«You are,» Jisbella answered firmly. «I have to talk gutter a you half the time, me.»

«I can read and write.»

«And that's about all . . . which means that outside of brute strength you'll be useless.»

«Talk sense, you,» he said angrily.

«I am talking sense, me. What's the use of the strongest chisel in the world if it doesn't have an edge? We've got to sharpen your wits, Gully. Got to educate you, man, is all.»

He submitted. He realized she was right. He would need training not only for the bust-out but for the search for «Vorga» as well. Jisbella was the daughter of an architect and had received an education. This she drilled into Foyle, leavened with the cynical experience of five years in the underworld. Occasionally he rebelled against the hard work, and then there would be whispered quarrels, but in the end he would apologize and submit again. And sometimes Jisbella would tire of teaching, and then they would ramble on, sharing dreams in the dark.

«I think we're falling in love, Gully.»

«I think so too, Jiz.»

«I'm an old hag, Gully. A hundred and five years old. What are you like?»


«How awful?»

«My face.»

«You make yourself sound romantic. Is it one of those exciting scars that make a man attractive?»

«No. You'll see when we meet, us.

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