Информатика, кибернетика, интеллект   ::   Пушкин В Г

Страница: 549 из 549

Thisprogram, in essence, has been realised in this edition. The philosophic contents of the artificial intellect has been revealed, as well as its connection with the main question of philosophy; the important meaning of the man-machine relations harmonisation in the informatic aspect has been shown with an entry in the field of the social relations.

The scientific novelty of this book is determined a great deal by the system-cybernetic level of the discussion of the problem chosen, including nonelaborated themes. For example in the chapter "The Artificial Intellect and the Human Society" the following questions are discussed: the system-cybernetic approach in the social cognition; the artificial intellect and the social cybernetics; the moral-ethic aspects of the artificial intellect problem. The work contains critics on the behaviorism methodology in the frame of which the ghnoseologic problems of consciousness have been denied in general. While investigating the authors of the book show how the development of an intellect-modelling computerised principles can help us to answer the philosophic-rate questions arising in the scientific-technical revolution.

Thus, the philosophic content of the cybernetisation and informatisation of the human activity, these deep processes embracing, in essence, all spheras of life of the modern human being, has been revealed in this book. The authors of the book have accentuated their attention on the forming of modern philosophic ideas in the field of informatics and cybernetics arid on general-systamic and general scientific tendencies. It has been shown how the cybernetics through the prism of the philosophic self-consciousness had initiated some new approaches, which are of such a great need in the practical actualisation of the scientific-technical progress. The talk is about the quality analysis to be enreached by the quantity investigation, the creation of the quality-quantity basis of the society's scientific management.

The monograph is characterised by the special common-scientific and dialectic synthesis of the fundamental problems of the informatics, the cybernetics, and the intellect, which allow the approach toward the key-questions of the world conception and the methodology of the practical problems of the scientific-technical progress acceleration carrying out.

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