Медитации на Таро. Путешествие к истокам христианского герметизма :: Томберг Валентин
1124 из 1165
John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul (Condones del Alma) ; trsl. G. C. Graham, London, 1922.
68. St. John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul ; trsl. D; Lewis, 4th ed., revised, London, 1916.
69. St. John of the Cross, The Living Flame ; trsl. feKavenaugh & O. Rodriguez, The Gollected Works of St. John of the Cross , London, 1966.
70. St. John of the Cross, A Spiritual Canticle ; trsl. D. Lewis, London, 1906.
71. С. G. Jung, L'homme a h decouverte deson ame ; French trsl. by R. Gahen, Geneva, 1944.
72. С. G. Jung, Medicine and Psychotherapy ; in The Practice of Psychotherapy ; trsl.R.F.C. Hull, London. 1954.
73. C.G. Jung, Psychology and Religion ; trsl. R.F.C. Hull, London. 1968.
74. С. G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche ; trsl. R. F. C. Hull, The Collected Works of C.G. Jung , 1972.
75. C. G. Jung & C. Kerenyi, I ntroduction to a Science of Mythology , trsl. R. F.C. Hull, London,1951.
76. J.Maynard Keynes, A Treatise on Probability , London,1921.
77. Soren Kierkegaard, Either/Or , trsl. W. Lowrae, London, 1944.
78. Kore Kosmu ; trsl. W. Scott, Hermetica, Oxford, 1924.
79. Hans Leisegang, Die Gnosis , Leipzig, 1924.
80. Eliphas Levi, Dogme et rituel de la haute magie ; trsl. A. E. Waite, Transcendental Magic. Its Doctrine and Ritual , London 1968.
81. Eliphas Levi, Le Grande Arcane ou l'occttltisme devoile ,Paris, 1921.
82. Eliphas Levi, The Key of the Mysteries ; trsl. A. Crowley, London, 1969.
83. The Life of St. Teresa of Avila ; trsl. J. M. Cohen, London, 1957.
84. The Little Flowers of St. Francis ; trsl. T.Okey.London, 1963.
85. Arthur Ludwich, Anecdota astrologica , Leipzig, 1877.
86. P. Mandonnet, La Canonisation deSt. Thomas d'Aquin, in Melanges Thomistes , 1923.
87. Jean Marques-Riviere, Histoiredes doctrines esoteriques , Paris, 1950.
88. Paul Marteau, Le Tarot de Marseille , Paris, 1949.
89. R. P. Masani, The Religion of the Good Life. Zoroastrianism , London, 1938.
90. J. Maxwell, LeTarot , Paris, 1933.
91. Dr. Etienne May, La medicine, son passe, son present,son avenir , Paris, 1957.
92. Monumenta historica Societatis Jesu, Scripta deSancto Ignatio , Madrid, 1904.
93. Olimpiodorus, In Platonis Phaedonem commentaria/ Commentary on the Phaedo of Plato ; ed. W. Norvin, Leipzig, 1913.
94. Fabred'Olivet. L'histoire philosophique du genre humain ;trsl. N.L.
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