Новый век против Евангелия   ::   Маршалл Дэвид

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15. Лк. 10:18.

К главе 15 1.0с. 11:8. 2. Плач Иер. 1:12.?Ba? ^^y^S' Hosea: The Heart and Holine5s °f God

4. Ос. 3:2.

5. 2 Кор. 5:21; Еф. 2:8, 9.

К главе 16

L Michael Green, I Believe in Satan's Downfall (Hodder and Stoughton 1981).

К глзве 17

2. Gods of the New Age, video (Riverside Films 1984), Part 2. This is the logical extension of the political attitudes of the gurus and New Agers nk BeS Creme. It is the fear of Fntz Haack and of a number of diplomat and academics

do'cZTn^v^1"11 - intervlewed 011 this aathoritative> -d objective

3. Лк. 21:26-28.

4. 1 Фее. 5:2,3.

5. Лк. 17:26, 27.

6. Рим. 5:1, 2.

7. Кол. 2:10; Еф. 1:6; Рим. 8:1.

К главе 18

1. Деян. 5:29.

2. Деян. 5:32.

3. Ип. 15:26; 16:13, 14.

4. Деяц. 2:24 и след.; Деяп. 3:12, 13.

5.Гал.З:10, 11.

6. Гал. 3:27.

7. Ип. 1:16, 17.

8. Еф. 2:8.

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