Английский язык   ::   Беликова Елена

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The blood-gas barrier (pulmonary capillary-alveolar membrane) is ideal for gas exchange because it is very thin (‹ 0,5 mm) and has a very large surface area (50 – 100 m 2 ). It consists of alveolar epithelium, basement membrane interstitium, and capillary endothelium.

New words

respiratory – дыхательный

air – воздух

bloodstream – кровоток

airways – воздушные пути

alveoli – альвеолы

blood vessels – кровеносные сосуды

lungs – легкие

chest – грудь

diaphragm – диафрагма

the systemic blood vessels – системные кровеносные сосуды

red blood cells – красные кровяные клетки

plasma – плазма

respi ratory control neurons – дыхательные нейроны контроля

brainstem – ствол мозга

sensory – сенсорный

motor connections – моторные связи

ventilation – вентиляция

transport – транспортировка

environment exchange – окружающая среда

surface – поверхность

29. Lung volumes and capacities

Lung volumes – there are four lung volumes, which when added together, equal the maximal volume of the lungs. Tidal volume is the volume of one inspired or expected normal breath (average human = 0,5 L per breath). Inspiratory reserve volume is the volume of air that can be inspired in excess of the tidal volume. Expiratory reserve volume is the extra an that can be expired after a normal tidal expiration.

Residual volume is the volume of gas that re lungs after maximal expiration (average human = 1,2 L).

Total lung capacity is the volume of gas that can be con tained within the maximally inflated lungs (average human = 6 L).

Vital capacity is the maximal volume that can be expelled after maximal inspiration (average human = 4,8 L).

Functional residual capacity is the volume remaining in the lungs at the end of a normal tidal expiration (average luman = 2,2 L).

Inspiratory capacity is the volume that can be taken into the lungs after maximal inspiration following expiration of a normal breath. Helium dilution techniques are used to determine residual volume, FRC and TLC. A forced vital capacity is obtained when a subject inspires maximally and then exhales as forcefully and as completely as possible.

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