Английский язык   ::   Беликова Елена

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All of the muscles are innervated by CN XII except the palatoglossus, which is supplied byCN X. Arterial supply: The tongue is supplied by the lingual branch of the external carotid aitery.

Venous drainage. The lingual veins, which lie on the un-der-surface of the tongue, drain to the internal jugular veins.

Lymphatic drainage. The tip of the tongue drains to the submental nodes, and the remainder of the anterior two-thirds drains first to submandibular, then to deep cervical nodes. The posterior one-third drains directly to deep cervi cal nodes.

New words

digestive – пищеварительный

pharyngeal – глоточный

mucosa – слизистая оболочка

fibrous layer – волокнистый слой

posterior nasal apertures – задние носовые апертуры

nasopharyngeal tonsil – миндалина

41. Oral cavity

The oral cavity forms in the embryo from an in-pocketing of the skin, stomodeum; it is, thus, lined by ectoderm. Functionally, the mouth forms the first portion of both the digestive and respiratory systems. In humans the margins of the lips mark the junction between the outer skin and the inner mucous lining of the oral cavity The roof of the mouth consists of the hard palate and, behind this, the soft palate which merges into the oropharynx. The lateral walls consist of the distensible cheeks. The floor of the mouth is formed principally by the tongue and the soft tissues that lie between the two sides of the lower jaw, or mandible. The tongue, a muscular organ in the mouth, provides the sense of taste and assists in chewing, swallowing, and speaking. It is firmly anchored by connective tissues to the front and side walls of the pharynx, or throat, and to the hyoid bone in the neck. The posterior limit of the oral cavity is marked by the fauces, an apperture which leads to the pharynx. On either side of the fauces are two muscular arches covered by mucosa, the glossopalatine and pharyngopalatine arches; between them lie masses of lymphoid tissue, the tonsils. Hiese are spongy lymphoid tissues composed mainly of lymphocytic cells held together by fibrous connective tissue. Suspended from the posterior portion of the soft palate is the soft retractable uvula. The palate develops from lateral folds of the primitive upper jaw. The hard palate, more anterior in position, underlies the nasal cavity The soft palate hangs like a curtain between the mouth and nasal pharynx.

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