A Caress Of Twilight   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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"Unless you have friends in very high places who make sure such tales are never spread."

"What are you saying, Queen Niceven?"

"I say only this, that the queen doth love her son much, and has broken-more than one taboo to keep him safe."

We stared at each other, and I knew without asking that Cel had made promises and broken them. That alone should have made him outcast and certainly denied him the right to any throne. Andais had always spoiled Cel, but I never realized just how much.

"When can we expect your surrogate?" I asked.

She seemed to consider this, reaching an idle hand out toward where the mouse was crouched. It crept close to her, its long whiskers twitching, ears alert, as if it still wasn't sure of its welcome. She stroked it gently. "A few days," she said.

"We are not always at home to welcome visitors. I would be loath to have your envoy receive less than our best hospitality."

"Leave a pot of flowers by your door and that will sustain him."


"I believe a him would please you more, would it not?"

I gave a small nod, because I wasn't sure I cared. I was sharing blood, not sex, so I didn't have a preference; or at least I didn't think I did. "I am sure the Queen is wise in her choosing."

"Pretty words, Princess. It remains to be seen whether you have pretty actions to back up all those words." Her eyes flicked back to the men and settled on Doyle and Rhys. "Pleasant dreams, Princess."

"And to you, Queen Niceven."

Something harsh crossed her face, made it look even thinner and sharper, as if her face were a mask. If she reached up and ripped her face off, I was not going to be able to hold my business face in place. But she didn't. She merely spoke in a voice that was like the whisper of scales on stone. "My dreams are my own business, Princess, and I will keep them as I like them."

I gave her another half bow. "I meant no insult."

"None taken, Princess, merely envy rearing its ugly head." With those words, the mirror went blank and smooth.

I sat gazing into my own reflection. Movement caught my gaze, and I watched Rhys and Doyle still on their knees. Muscles worked in Rhys's arms as he brushed Doyle's hair. Frost didn't so much move as just look at me in the mirror so hard that it turned me to look at him.

Frost glared back. The other two seemed unaware of my attention. "Niceven is gone. You can stop pretending," I said.

"I haven't finished brushing out all of this hair," Rhys said. "This is why I stopped growing mine down to my ankles.

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