Демон и Лабиринт (Диаграммы, деформации, мимесис) :: Ямпольский Михаил
543 из 559
Зингер 1955: Isaac Bashevis Singer. Satan in Goray. New York, Noonday Press.
Ибсен 1958: Four Great Plays by Ibsen. New York, Bantam.
Изаковер 1938: Otto Isakower. A Contribution to the Patho-Psychology of Phenomena Associated with Falling Asleep.-- International Journal of Psychoanalysis, v. 19, 1938, p. 331-345.
Изер 1993: Wolfgang Iser. The Fictive and the Imaginary: Charting the Literary Anthropology. Baltimore -- London, The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Ирвин 1992: John Т. Irwin. The Quincuncial Network in Poe's Pym. -- In: Poe's Pym:Critical Explorations. Ed. by Richard Kopley. Durham -- London, Duke University Press,p. 175--187.
Ирвин 1994: John Т. Irwin. The Mystery to a Solution. Рое, Borges, and the Detective Story. Baltimore -- London, The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Йейтс 1966: William Butler Yeats. A Vision. New York, Collier Books. Йейтс 1969: Frances A. Yates. The Art of Memory. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.
Казенав 1983: A. Cazenave. Miroirs, Masques, Simulacres. -- In: Figures du baroque. Ed. parJ.-M. Benoist. Paris, PUF, p. 149--163.
Кайуа 1964: R. Caillois. The Mask of Medusa. London, Victor Gollancz.
Кайуа 1972: Roger Caillois. Le Mythe et 1'homme. Paris, Gallimard.
Канетти Элиас 1990: Человек нашего столетия. Пер. М. Харитонова. М., Прогресс.
Кангилем 1992: Georges Canguilhem. Machine and Organism. -- In: Incorporations. Ed. by Jonathan Crary and Sanford Kwinter. New York, Zone, p. 45--69.
Кант 1966: Критика способности суждения. -- В кн.: Иммануил Кант. Собр. соч., т. 5. М., Мысль.
Канторович 1957: Е. Н. Kantorowicz. The King's Two Bodies. A Study in Medieval Political Theology. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Карл 1991: Frederick Karl. Franz Kafka: Representative Man. New York, Fromm.
Карразерс 1990: Mary Carruthers. The Book of Memory. A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Кассирер 1955: Ernst Cassirer. The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, v. 2: Mythical Thought. Transl. by Ralph Manheim. New Haven -- London, Yale University Press.
Кафка 1971: Franz Kafka. Tha Complete Stories. New York, Schocken Books.
Кафка Франц 1991: Замок. Новеллы и притчи. Письмо к отцу. Письма к Милене. М., Политиздат.
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