Демон и Лабиринт (Диаграммы, деформации, мимесис)   ::   Ямпольский Михаил

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Фронтизи-Дюкру 1975: Francoise Frontisi-Ducroux. D6dale: mythologie de 1'artisan en Grece ancienne. Paris, Maspero.

Фрэзер 1964: -- James Frazer. The New Golden Bough. New York, New American Library.

Фуко 1966: Michel Foucault. Les mots et les choses. Paris, Gallimard. Фуко 1992: Michel Foucault. Raymond Roussel. Paris, Gallimard.

Фуко 1994: Michel Foucault. Dits et ecrits 1954--1969. Edite par Daniel Defert, Francois Ewald et Jacques Lagrange. V. 1. Paris, Gallimard.

Фуллер 1914: Loie Fuller et son ecole. -- Comoedia illustre, 20. 5. 1914. Фуллер 1978: Loie Fuller. Fifteen Years or a Dancer's Life. New York, Dance Horizons.

Фурнье 1864: Edouard Fournier. Chroniques et legendes des rues de Paris. Paris, E. Dentu.

Хайд 1988: Ralph Hyde. Panoramania! London, Trefoil Publications.


Хайдеггер 1962: Martin Heidegger. Being and Time. San Francisco, Harper.

Хайдеггер 1971: Martin Heidegger. Poetry, Language, Thought. New York, Harper and Row.

Хайдеггер 1979: Martin Heidegger. Nietzsche, v. 1. San Francisco, Harper. Хайдеггер 1984: Martin Heidegger. Early Greek Thinking. San Francisco, Harper.

Хаксли 1959: Aldous Huxley. The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books.

Хандке 1989: Peter Handke. Repetition. New York, Macmillan.

Хант 1986: John Dixon Hunt. Garden and Grove. The Italian Renaissance Garden in the English Imagination: 1600--1750. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Хант-- Уиллис 1988: The Genius of the Place. The English Landscape Garden 1620--1820. Ed. by John Dixon Hunt and Peter Willis. Cambridge, Mass., -- London, The МIT Press.

Харкурт 1987: Glenn Harcourt. Andreas Vesalius and the Anatomy of Antique Sculpture. -- Representations, n° 17, Winter 1987, p. 28--61.

Хартман 1958: Heinz Hartmann. Ego Psychology and the Problem of Adaptation. New York, International University Press.

Хендерсон 1988: Linda Dalrymple Henderson. X Rays and the Quest for Invisible Realilty in the Art of Kupka, Duchamp, and the Cubists. -- Art Journal, v. 47, n 4, 1988, p. 323-340.

Ходасевич Владислав 1992: Собрание стихов. М., Центурион-Интерпракс.

Холландер 1980: Ann Hollander. Seeing Through Clothes. New York, Avon.

Целлер 1976: Hatte ich das Kino! die Schriftsteller und der Stummfilm. Herausgegeben von B. Zeiler.

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