Mistrals Kiss   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

Страница: 102 из 148

Their vengeance would be terrible,Meredith. The fact that there are still assassination attempts against you only shows that some of the sidhe do not yet understand how short-leashed the queen has kept Darkness and Frost. Especially Darkness,” he said, his voice going low. His face looked haunted. He shook the thought away and looked back at me. “I have seen the Darkness hunt. If Hell Hounds, Yeth Hounds, still existed among us, they would belong to the sluagh, to the wild hunt, and the blood of that wild hunt still runs through Doyle’s veins, Meredith.”

“So you do not kill me for fear of Doyle and Frost?”

He looked at me, and for a moment let the veil drop from those glowing eyes. He let me see his need, such need, as if it should have been carved in letters across the air. “It is not fear that impels me to spare your life,” he whispered.

I gave him a smile, and the chalice still gripped in my hand pulsed once against my skin. The chalice would be part of what we did. “Let me wash some of this blood away. Then I will put my glow against yours.”

His own glow began to fade a little, his burning eyes cooling to as normal as they ever got. It was hard to call his triple-gold irises normal, even by sidhe standards, though. “I am hurt, Meredith. I would have had our first time together be perfect. I’m not certain how much good I’m going to be to you tonight.”

“I’m hurt, too,” I said, “but we’ll both do our best.” I stood up and found my body stiff with injuries I hadn’t even realized I’d suffered — small wounds that I must have received in the fight.

“I will not be able to make love the way you wish it,” he said.

“How do you know what I wish?” I asked as I made my way slowly across the rough and smooth of the rock.

“You had quite an audience for Mistral’s turn with you. The rumors have grown, but if even part of it is true, I will not be able to dominate you as he did.”

I slid into the water. It found every small cut and scrape. The water was cool and soothing, but at the same time it made the wounds burn. “I don’t want to be dominated right now, Sholto. Make love to me — let it be gentle between us, if that is what we want.”

He laughed again, and I heard bells. “I think gentle is all I’m capable of tonight.”

“I do not always want rough, Sholto. My tastes are more varied than that.” I was shoulder-deep in the water now, trying to get the blood off me. The blood began to dissolve in the water, washing away almost more easily than it should have.

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