Mistrals Kiss   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

Страница: 103 из 148

“How varied are your tastes?” he asked.

I smiled at him. “Very.” I dunked under the water in a bid to get the blood off my face, out of my hair. I came up gasping, wiping the runnels of pinkish water from my face. I went under two more times until the water ran clear.

Sholto was at the edge of the island when I came up the last time. He was standing, using the spear like a crutch. The white knife was tucked carefully through the cloth of his pants, the way you’d stick a pin through: in, then out, so the point was exposed to the air. He offered me his hand. I took it, though I could have gotten out by myself, and I knew that bending over must hurt him.

He lifted me out of the water, but his eyes never got to my face. His gaze stayed on my body, my breasts, as the water ran down them. There are women who would have taken offense, but I wasn’t one of them. In that moment he wasn’t a king, he was a man — and that was just fine with me.


SHOLTO LAY NAKED BEFORE ME. I’D NEVER SEEN HIM LIKE THAT, lying naked, and waiting, knowing that we didn’t have to stop.

The first and only time I’d seen him completely nude he’d still had extras. But he had used his own personal magic then to make his stomach look like the perfect six-pack abs. Even to the touch, I hadn’t been able to feel what I’d known was there. He was very good at personal glamour, but then he’d spent years hiding that bit of deformity.

Now he lay back, using his own pants as some small cushion against the stone. The Seelie had skinned him from just below his ribs to just above his groin. I’d seen the wound, but now it loomed larger. The pain must have been a fearsome thing.

He had laid the white spear and the bone knife to one side of him. I had set the chalice on the other side of him. We would make love between the chalice, symbol of the Goddess, and two symbols that were oh, so masculine.

The air above his body wavered, like heat off a road, and the next moment there was no wound. He was back to creating the illusion of that perfect six-pack. Of all my lovers, only Rhys had it for real. “You don’t need to hide, Sholto,” I said.

“The look on your face is not the look I want to see the first time we make love, Meredith.”

“Take the glamour away, Sholto, let me truly see you.”

“It is no more beautiful than what used to be there.” His voice was sad.

I touched the smooth skin of his shoulder. “You were beautiful. You are beautiful.”

He gave me a smile as sad as his tone. “Meredith, no lies, please.

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