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 — папа Лев I утверждает верховенство Рима в церковных делах — на основании того, что папский престол унаследовал власть от Петра, а папа руководит Церковью как «мистическое воплощение» Петра.


• Abt, Theodor and Hornung, Erik, Knowledge for the Afterlife. The Egyptian Amduat — a Quest for Immortality, Zurich, 2003. Apuleius, Lucius.

• Metamorphoses, trans. J. Arthur Hanson, 2 vols., Cambridge (Mass.), 1989.

• Apuleius, Lucius, The Golden Ass, trans. Robert Graves, Harmonds-worth, 1976.

• Aristophanes, Frogs, trans. Kenneth McLeish, in Plays: Two, London, 1998.

• Assmann, Jan, The Search for God in Ancient Egypt, trans. David Lorton, Ithaca (N.Y.) and London, 2001.

• Assmann, Jan, The Mind of Egypt, trans. Andrew Jenkins, New York, 2002.

• Baigent, Michael, From the Omens of Babylon, London, 1994.

• Baigent, Michael, Leigh, Richard, and Lincoln, Henry, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, New York, 1982.

• Baigent, Michael, and Leigh, Richard, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, London,1991.

• Baigent, Michael, and Leigh, Richard, The Inquisition, London, 2000.

• Baigent, Michael, and Eisenman, Robert, «A Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey testing the claim for earthquake damage of the Second Temple ruins at Khirbet Qumran», The Oumran Chronicle, 9, 2000, pp. 131–137.

• Bede, A History of the English Church and People, trans. Leo Sherley-Price, Harmondsworth, 1979.

• Bleeker, C. J., «Initiation in Ancient Egypt», in Initiation, ed. Dr. C. J. BLeeker, Leiden, 1965, pp.49–58.

• Bleeker, C. J., Egyptian Festivals, Leiden, 1967.

• Bleeker, C. J., Hathor and Thoth, Leiden, 1973.

• Bowman, Alan K., Egypt after the Pharaons, London, 1986.

• Brandon, S.G.F., Jesus and the Zealots, Manchester, 1967.

• Brandon, S.G.F., The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church, 2-Ed., London, 1974. (First edition published 1951).

• Bruce, F.F. The New Testament Documents, 5-rev. ed., London, 1974.

• Burkert, Walter, Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism, trans. Edwin L. Minar, Jr., Cambridge (Mass.), 1972.

• Burrows, Millar, The Dead Sea Scrolls, London, 1956.

• Burkert, Walter, Ancient Mystery Cults, Cambridge (Mass.), 1987.

• Caplice, Richard I., The Akkadian Namburbu texts: an introduction, Malibu, 1974.

• Cauville, S., Dendara V–VI. Traduction. Les crypts du temple d'Hathor, Leuven, Paris and Dudley (MA), 2004.

• Charles, R.H.

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