Шпионы XX века (Главы 11-15)   ::   Найтли Филлип

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Cooper, 'The CIA and DecisionMaking', Foreign Affairs, vol. 50 (January 1972), pp. 229-30.

(58) ibid.

(59) ibid., p. 232.


(60) Snepp, 'Central Intelligence Agency', p. 60.

(61) Kirkpatrick in interview with author, 1967.

(62) Henry Brand on. The Retreat of American Power (New York: Doubleday, 1973) p. 103.

(63) Respectively: Snepp, 'Central Intelligence Agency' p. 56; and Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, September 1979.

(64) Snepp, 'Central Intelligence Agency', p. 56.

(65) John Stockwell, 'The Intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam', Part 3 in Salisbury, Vietnam Reconsidered, p. 64.

(66) McGehee, Deadly Deceits, p. 156.

(67) Ralph W. McGehee, 'The Intelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency in Vietnam', Part 2 in Salisbury, Vietnam Reconsidered, p. 63.

(68) David H. Hunter, 'The Evolution of Literature on United States Intelligence', Armed Forces and Society, vol. 5, no. 1 (November 1978), p. 32

(69) ibid., p. 32.

(70) John M. Crewdson, 'ClA's Propaganda Efforts', The Times of India (Bombay), 7 January 1978.

(71) Angus Mackenzie, 'Sabotaging the Dissident Press', Columbia Journalist Review March/April 1981, pp. 57-63.

(72) Church Committee, Final Report. Vol. 1 (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office, 1976), p. 14.

(73) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.

(74) Frank Snepp, Decent Interval (Harmondsworth, Middx: Penguin, 1980), back cover.

(75) Richard Eder, 'Why Decision in Snepp Case Disturbs Publishers', New York Times 11 March 1980.

(76) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.

(77) ibid.

Глава 14

(1) 'Shaping Tomorrow's CIA', Time Magazine. 6 February 1978, p. 24.

(2) Kenneth Harris, 'Did the CIA Fail America?', Observer, 9 December 1979.

(3) 'Shaping Tomorrow's CIA', p. 29.

(4) ibid., p. 31.

(5) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.

(6) Philip Agee, Playboy, August 1975, pp. 60-2.

(7) Kirkpatrick in interview with Leitch, 1979.

(8) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 5, BBC Radio 4, 10 February 1982.

(9) Nigel West, 'The Hollis Affair and that Spy Called Elli', The Times, 23 October 1981.

(10) ibid.

(11) Obituary ofG. R. Mitchell, in The Times. 3 January 1985.

(12) see 'The Hollis Affair', Sunday Times, 29 March 1981.

(13) Former head of SIS in interview with author, 3 December 1981.

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