Шпионы XX века (Главы 11-15)   ::   Найтли Филлип

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(14) Phillip Knightley, 'Cock-up or Conspiracy?', Sunday Times. 11 November 1984.

(15) Nigel West, A Matter of Trust. M15 1945-72 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1982), p. 178.

(16) 'Hollis Affair', cit. at n. 12.

(17) 'The Profession of Intelligence', part 5, BBC Radio 4, 10 February 1982.

(18) ibid.; and 'Hollis Affair', cit. at n. 12.

(19) 'Hollis Affair', cit. at n. 12.

(20) S. Freeman, B. Penrose and C. Simpson, 'Military Coup Was Aimed at Wilson' Sunday Times. 29 March 1981.

(21) 'Hollis Affair', cit. at n. 12.

(22) Maurice Crump, letter to The Times, 19 April 1984.

(23) Rees-Mogg in interview with author, March 1979.

(24) West, M15. British Security Service Operations 1909-1945: A Matter of Trust. M15 1945-72; M16. British Secret Intelligence Service Operations 1909-45; and The Branch - a History of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch, 1883-1983 (London-Seeker & Warburg, 1983).

(25) The Deputy Treasury Solicitor, Sunday Times, 17 October 1984.

(26) Allason in interview with author, 1981.

(27) Oldfield in interview with author, 13 July 1979.

(28) lan Black, 'Second Wartime Spying Book Stopped', Guardian. 8 December 1983.


(29) ibid.

(30) Peter Calvocoressi, 'Action that Day', Sunday Times, 18 October 1981.

(31) 'Sons of Stalin's Englishmen?', The Times, 2 August 1984.

(32) Allason in interview with author, 1984.

(33) Mitchell's obituary in The Times, 3 January 1985.

(34) 'Panorama', BBC 1 television, 19 October 1981.

Глава 15

(1) M. R. D. Foot, 'Britain. Intelligence Services', The Economist, 15 March 1980.

(2) John Stockwell, a former CIA officer in Angola, in interviews with Christopher Hird of Diverse Productions for Channel 4 television, London, September 1985.

(3) ibid.

(4) Philip Taubman, 'Bolstered by Budget Increases Casey's CIA Comes Back', International Herald Tribune (Paris), 26 January 1983.

(5) John Stockwell, 'The Heart of the Matter', BBC 1 television, 22 September 1985; and Taubman, cit. at n. 4.

(6) David M. Alpern, 'America's Secret Warriors', Newsweek, 10 October 1983; and Guardian, 12 June 1984.

(7) Taubman, cit. at n. 4.

(8) Ransom, 'Secret Intelligence', p. 224.

(9) Jeff Stein, 'Spooking the Spook-namers', Village Voice, 12-18 November 1984; and Peter Hennessy, 'Intelligence Chiefs Draft Secrets Law', The Times, 9 April 1984.

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