Иностранные известия о восстание Степана Разина   ::   А. Г. Маньков под редакцией

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)and whose name was Stenko Radzin, who upon I know not what discontent at the Russian Governement, forsook his Country and began to act like a Rebel; he came down an Arm of the Wolga below Astracan with 800 men, and then sailing out into the Caspian See, landed between the River Aras and Kizilagaat in the District of Mokhan, where in the beginning of the Year 1667 he sollicitedthe King to grant him some Land for their maintenance and habitation, giving the strongest assurances, that they would behave like upright Sja – siwen,which in the Turkish Language is as much as to say, true to the Kings. Body or menial Servants of the King, and Loyal Subjects: and that he should always find them ready to defend and serve him. But at Court, where they looked upon these People as Robbers, as formerly they had known by experience, they would not trust them, yet would not (л. 1 об.) give them a flat denial, but kept them in suspence by a dilatory Answer. The Cossacks being impatient, coasted along the Strand of Gilaan with their Ships quite down to the District of Resjt, the Capital Town of that Province, where they set some men ashoor, and desired to buy provisions for their money, but the Governour refused them in a very disobliging manner which so irritated them, that they landed silently in the night, and marching up to Resjtby surprise, plundered the Market and Basars, when some were Killed in the fray, then they returned again to their Ships, well provided with Sustenance for which a little before they had offered money and they likewise kept their footing upon the firm Land. The (The написано карандашом вместо ошибочного to.). Governour not able to resist, much less to drive them away, and fearing greater ravages might ensue, dissembled his resentment of that Action, gave them fair words and let them have farther provisions for their money. They on the other hand excused their Conduct by reason of their extreme need and being refused the necessaries for life. They then Kept still and at last gave the Governour Hostages as Securities for their good behaviour. They sent 4 Embassadours to the King to make excuses for this Action, whereunto they were induced by the Governour; they repeated their first Petition for Land upon the Caspian Sea for their sustenance, with the strongest assurances of their faithfull service and Loyalty. They brought Letters which (л. 2) nobody was able to read: they were given to European Fathers and at alst to me: I found both the Language and Characters to be Russian. I did not translate them, and they remained untranslated (the Chevalier Chardin is under a Mistake when he says in his Account of the Coronation of Soliman, that they were in an unknown Character). But the Gourt was informed of their intention (Карандашом зачеркнуто intention и написано над строкой purpose.) by word of mouth by the Russians who understood the Turkish Tongue and whose mother tongue was the same with that of those Cossacks.

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