Guilty Pleasures   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

Страница: 197 из 205

He stared around the room as if he didn't really see it.

I whispered, “Dear God.”

They had raised him from the dead.


Nikolaos danced around him. The skirt of her pastel pink dress swirled around her. The large, pink bow in her hair bobbed as she twirled, arms outstretched. Her slender legs were covered in white leotards. The shoes were white with pink bows.

She stopped, laughing and breathless. A healthy pink flush on her cheeks, eyes sparkling. How did she do that?

“He looks very alive, doesn't he?” She stalked around him, hand brushing his arm. He drew away from her, eyes following her every move, afraid. He remembered her. God help us. He remembered her.

“Do you want to see him put through his paces?” she asked.

I hoped I didn't understand her. I fought to keep my face blank. I must have succeeded because she stomped over to me, hands on hips.

“Well,” she said, “do you want to watch your lover perform?”

I swallowed bile, hard. Maybe I should just throw up on her. That would teach her. “With you?” I asked.

She sidled up to me, hands clasped behind her back. “It could be you. Your choice.”

Her face was almost touching mine. Eyes so damned wide and innocent that it seemed sacrilegious. “Neither sounds very appealing,” I said.

“Pity.” She half-skipped back to Phillip. He was naked, and his tanned body was still handsome. What were a few more scars?

“You didn't know I was going to be here, so why raise Phillip from the dead?” I asked.

She turned on the heels of her little shoes. “We raised him so he could try to kill Aubrey. Murdered zombies can be so much fun, while they try to kill their murderers. We thought we'd give him a chance while Aubrey was asleep. Aubrey can move if you disturb him.” She glanced at Edward. “But then you know that.”

“You were going to let Aubrey kill him again,” I said.

She nodded, head bobbing. “Mmm-uh.”

“You bitch,” I said.

Burchard shoved the rifle butt into my stomach, and I dropped to my knees. I panted, trying to breathe. It didn't help much.

Edward was staring very fixedly at Zachary, who was holding the pistol square on his chest. You didn't have to be good at that range or even lucky. Just squeeze the trigger and kill someone. Poof.

“I can make you do whatever I please,” Nikolaos said.

A fresh spurt of adrenaline rushed through me. It was too much. I threw up in the corner.

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