Guilty Pleasures   ::   Гамильтон Лорел

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Burchard might wound me orknock me unconscious, and that would be very, very bad.

Nikolaos led us down the steps and out into the floor. What a day for a parade. Phillip followed, but he was looking around now, really seeing things. He froze, staring at the place where Aubrey had killed him. His hand reached out to touch the wall. He flexed his hand, rubbing fingers into his palm as if he was feeling something. A hand went to his neck and found the scar. He screamed. It echoed against the walls.

“Phillip,” I said.

Burchard held me back with the rifle. Phillip crouched in the corner, face hidden, arms locked around his knees. He was making a high, keening noise.

Nikolaos laughed.

“Stop it, stop it!” I walked towards Phillip, and Burchard shoved the gun against my chest. I yelled into his face, “Shoot me, shoot me, dammit! It's got to be better than this.”

“Enough,” Nikolaos said. She stalked over to me, and I gave ground. She kept walking, forcing me to back up until I bumped against the wall. “I don't want you shot, Anita, but I want you hurt. You killed Winter with your little knife. Let's see how good you really are.” She strode away from me. “Burchard, give her back her knives.”

He never even hesitated or asked why. He just walked over to me and handed them to me, hilt first. I didn't question it either. I took them.

Nikolaos was suddenly beside Edward. He started to move away. “Kill him if he moves again, Zachary.”

Zachary came to stand close, gun out.

“Kneel, mortal,” she said.

Edward didn't do it. He glanced at me. Nikolaos kicked him in the bend of the knee hard enough to make him grunt. He dropped to one knee, and she grabbed his right arm and tugged it behind his back. One slender hand grabbed his throat.

“I'll tear out your throat if you move, human. I can feel your pulse like a butterfly beating against my hand.” She laughed and filled the room with warm, jostling horror. “Now, Burchard, show her what it means to use a knife.”

Burchard went to the far wall, with the door above him at the top of the steps. He laid the rifle on the floor, and unbuckled his sword harness, and laid that beside the rifle. Then he drew a long knife with a nearly triangular blade.

He did some quick stretches to limber his muscles, and I stood staring at him.

I know how to use a knife. I can throw well; I practice that. Most people are afraid of knives. If you show yourself willing to carve someone up, they tend to be afraid of you. Burchard was not most people.

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